6 Best Alumni WordPress Themes for University Alumni Website

Are you looking for the best WordPress themes for the university alumni website?

Here we have the 2024`s Best Alumni WP theme for college alumni website. Download alumni templates now!

Alumni WordPress Themes

You can make use of the best alumni WordPress themes for a suitable alumni website for institutions and universities. The alumni of a particular university or an institution of repute play a good role in raising the reputation of such hubs of education and knowledge.

If you are an alumni of a reputed institute belonging to any area of professional or non-professional education, you can use WordPress themes for the alumni association website. The graduate alumni, ex-students, and past attendees can benefit from such websites.
Alumni WordPress themes

You can do an alumni website design in consultation with the experts for the notable institute of university alumni. One of the positive benefits of such a website is the global exposure and easy correspondence among the alumni. The university can hold meetings of the various college leavers across the globe.

It will be important to highlight the present achievements of the successful candidates to support the overall educational cause. Such a website is also helpful in raising the global university rankings.

Former students who come in the ranking of the distinguished alumni of the university or the institute could become the mentors of the enrolled students. Besides this, the best responsive alumni WordPress theme makes an acclaimed former high school student website capable of raising grants and scholarships.

Why Should You Choose WordPress To Build An Alumni Website?

If you make an alumni mater website through the alumni management system theme, it works for long term significance. One of the reasons is that it empowers strength in global alumni relationships for that particular institute or university. With such a past attendees website, you are able to make a complete alumni database otherwise you do not have the full and final alumni data.

When you have a centralized database, you will not face any problems in the area of reference. Unfortunately, you will not avail of such a joint facility on other social media platforms.

A good alma mater WordPress website through the aid of the best alumni WordPress templates will get aid in its effective management. It will also help in updating. Because of the handy available alumni data, you are able to filter as per your requirements. Such past students’ websites will also showcase various important announcements apart from certain planned activities.

You also get crucial information about the alumni events or the campus events. With such a credible website, you can set up a new revenue system through alumni memberships for a certain sum. The alma mater websites crafted through the best alumni WordPress themes also prove to be a gateway for career development.

Apart from the above-mentioned reasons, the best part is that WordPress is an effective CMS of acclaim. With the help of effective plugins, you are able to make the alumni website in an effective way.

Some of the key reasons to use WordPress for alumni websites are:

  • You do not need to use even one line of code.
  • There is flexibility with WordPress when it comes to usage.
  • Membership plugins
  • Community building options with BuddyPress
  • Suitable plugin ecosystem
  • Responsive design
  • SEO friendly
  • Customization options
  • Scalability
  • Affordable in costs
  • Resources and support
  • Ownership of data
  • With all the above factors, you will do an easy alumni website management.

How To Build A University Alumni WordPress Website?

If there is an alumni network, you will be in touch with the seniors and peers. But how will this happen? WordPress themes for alumni association websites give you a top platform for such interaction.

An alma mater website is important for you. If you want to make it, you will have to follow certain steps. Firstly, you will have to download and install WP user frontend. If you ensure an operational website in this area, you can buy among the best alumni WordPress themes.

After this, you need to install this theme by visiting the wp-admin panel. You will have to visit the appearance followed by themes. After this, you can click on the button Add New followed by uploading the theme. Finally, you will have to click on the BROWSE button and select the theme installation file.

Activate theme  

  • Go to appearance followed by theme. You will have to activate one of the best alumni WordPress templates by hitting the activation link.
  • Installing the plugins
  • You will have to use the plugin’s installation interface by visiting the dashboard first. After this, you can go to Appearance and then click on Install Plugins.
  • Content
  • Once the above steps are done, you can do editing and updating part of the content before making the alma mater website live.

Download Alumni WordPress Themes With Demo Content

The best alumni WordPress themes are ideal templates for designing websites for educational institutions such as school management, colleges, educational supplies, and universities for creating dedicated online platforms for alumni engagement and networking. Download alumni WordPress themes with demo content. Check them out!

Top List of Alumni WordPress Themes

You can make use of WordPress themes for alumni association websites to create result-oriented alma mater websites of colleges or universities. Such websites carry full potential to strengthen the alumni network. This leads to close coordination.

SKT Education

LMS WordPress theme

demo download
  • SKT Education proves to be an exemplary theme for the alumni association website.
  • Keeping in mind its exemplary features apart from its multipurpose nature, it is a perfect fit for the past student association websites related to multiple universities and colleges.
  • Armed with the page builder of eminence, it makes management of the template an obstacle-free activity.
  • SKT Education is among the best alumni WordPress templates because of its simple and easy editing tendency.
  • The customizer forms part of the theme core. With this, you can check changes on the live preview.
  • You can use the color of the theme by using a theme picker. With the complete documentation, you can handle things step by step.
  • With special characteristics like its responsive nature, it becomes an easy fit for small and micro screens. All this makes it handy for a website of university alumni, academy and schools
  • It is also a business oriented theme with a WooCommerce facility. Alumni can jointly work in this area.

SKT Tutor

Online Tutor WordPress theme

demo download
  • SKT Tutor holds high relevance among the best WordPress alumni themes.
  • One of its specialities is modernity with magnificence making it good for university associations.
  • You can craft an extremely result oriented alumni website with a global reach.
  • An important parameter that works suitably with this theme is the addition of a new functionality option.
  • You can download such alumni WordPress themes with demo content and benefit from the personalized options.
  • Since it is an alma mater WordPress theme, the portfolio gallery section works very well.
  • SKT Tutor provides you with the choice of digital download.
  • With the simplified design, everyone can visit the website without any problem.
  • Such a template is multilingual with easy-to-review options. The credit goes to its WPML plugin.
  • You can also integrate a translation press plugin with the website.
  • Coded as per the WordPress standards, it comprises a strong admin panel because the alumni website needs a distinct level of monitoring.

Online Coach Pro

online coach WordPress theme

demo download
  • If you want to make a website for coaching or a suitable alma mater website, Online Coach Pro has all the qualities to make such websites.
  • Being mobile-friendly, and responsive with multilingual options, it works very well for the alma mater website with global reach.
  • With its widgetized sidebar, footer, and header, you can call it a precious one. Apart from that, the coding is as per the WordPress standards.
  • For a fine university alma mater website, the best WordPress alumni themes have event plugins associated with them.
  • Being SEO and SMO-friendly, you have made the right choice by choosing an online coach pro.
  • Through an options panel, you can also add the custom CSS. With it, the homepage sections will showcase testimonials.
  • You can also change sliders as per your own requirements.
  • Such WordPress themes for alumni association websites carry shortcodes. Because of this, you can put content on any page as per your choice.

Play School

education WordPress theme

demo download
  • Play School is proudly in the category of best alumni WordPress themes for preschool.
  • A result oriented website for the past college students of the college or university is on the way.
  • Because of the multipurpose nature of this WordPress template related to the educational sector, it becomes an autofit for the university alumnus website.
  • The credibility goes to its special characteristics.
  • It becomes an apt fit for any type of learning system.
  • The theme comprises various page layouts and blog layouts, a required parameter for the alumnus website. The fact is such a website works on a broader scale.
  • Play school WordPress theme is RTL tested keeping in mind the diversity and global reach of the resultant website.
  • It also comprises a special feature like Yoast SEO responsible for the good ranking of the website.
  • It has incredible features like animated blocks and contact services that are very much required for the alma mater website.


Elementary School WordPress Theme

demo download
  • Kindergarten is in the category of multipurpose themes and you can download such alumni WordPress themes with demo content. This template carries homepage editing options. You can add extra items easily. Such a feature is an important requirement of the college alumnus website.
  • It is quite easy for you to change the color in this template. Apart from this, it comprises header and footer layouts.
  • The WooCommerce compatibility and the responsive feature are important for websites related to old college students. With WooCommerce features, such websites can raise funds for scholarships.
  • With this template, there is an SEO-friendly coding option.
  • When you code the homepage with the help of a page builder, it becomes obstacle free to change the text and images.
  • It is cordial with famous plugins like WPML, q-translate x, and polylang.
  • You have the option to integrate the Google fonts.
  • Compatible with the Gutenberg editor feature, it works well for the website for institute alumni.

SKT Library

Library WordPress theme

demo download
  • SKT library carries a multipurpose potential when it comes to the resultant website operation. It automatically is a perfect fit for an alumni website for a university.
  • It comprises multiple elements and it becomes easy for you to upload the pictures.
  • You have a good choice of theme modification. It is quite easy for you to add creative content to the inner pages.
  • With such the best alumni WordPress themes, you have modification options when it comes to the color and text.
  • You can add beautiful galleries, an added requirement for the alumni website.
  • One of the specialties with this template is that you have control on the web pages.
  • These carry the special WooCommerce feature for various online dealings and it is also translation ready. University alma mater websites need a global reach.
  • The layout is engaging. The visitor to the website gets satisfaction.
  • It operates as per the specific coding standards.

Advantages of Alumni WordPress Themes

  • Before you think of buying the WordPress themes for the alumni association website, it is good if you know some of the advantages.
  • Such a template is modern and clean. This is one of the requirements for a fine alumni website.
  • Such themes are responsive making them adjustable to screens of different sizes.
  • With such themes, you can make effective university alumni management on the website.
  • Being multipurpose in nature, these templates boost up the e-learning network side by side.
  • These boost the content creativity to the level of absolute richness. With the help of the countdown timers, you can organise the alumni association events to a high level of punctuality.
  • The best WordPress alumni theme can generate the global alumni directory to the finest potential.
  • By this, the website will make close coordination with the global alumni of the institute or the university.
  • You get the option to describe alumni stories in detail on the website.
  • Such alumni website templates contain alumni blogs and news options.
  • With these, the global management of the registered alumni becomes easy.
  • These come with exemplary customer and technical support for perfect and absolute guidance of the admin.


Buy the best alumni WordPress themes if you desire an exemplary website for the university or the institute alumni. Such templates have multipurpose capabilities with the potential to create a bonded network of past students through an exemplary website. All this works for the greater good of the university or the institute because the global interaction with the past alma mater gets an upper push.

Buying these alma mater templates is for your benefit because of the exclusive features related to this niche. Being mobile-friendly with multilingual options and retina readiness, it turns your website into a desirable one.

In the present world of high work pressure and career options with global reach, university alumni may face issues of coordination. In such a case, WordPress themes for alumni association websites create a pathway through a feature rich website. Such a website comes with all possible parameters that work for the greater good of the university. All this also increases the reputation of the university or college when it comes to new student enrollments and other areas.

About Sonal S Sinha

Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha is a passionate writer as well as WordPress and WooCommerce rockstar who loves to share insights on various topics through his engaging blog posts. He runs a successful website design and digital marketing company. With 15+ years of experience in WordPress theme development, he strives to inform and inspire readers with his thought-provoking content. He helps thousands of small and medium businesses and startups create a unique online presence. Follow Sonal S Sinha for your regular dose of knowledge and inspiration.

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