Make effective SEO Friendly URL Structure in WordPress 2024

The address of a World Wide Web Page is a URL. Protocol, domain name, and path are three parts of a URL. It is a permanent link to the posts and the page.

There are billions of websites online and we visit hundreds of them every year. If you notice the URL structure of each website you will find that each one is unique.

Some URL’s will have a definite structure while others will have a strange formation. In the discussion of essential aspects of SEO of any specific webpage the factor that plays a major role in the overall optimization is permalink.

Is it necessary to make SEO friendly URL structure in WordPress? This is the question that we will be trying to answer in this article. WordPress is a platform that has a default URL structure but that structure is not SEO friendly.

Once the installation is done WordPress automatically sets the default permalinks. It can be found at the end of the URL with the post id or page.

The peculiarity of the numbers used in the permalinks is that it instructs WordPress about the location of the content in the database. Following is an example of a basic URL structure by WordPress

SEO friendly URL structure in WordPress

The above-mentioned URL is not SEO friendly and it is highly recommended that we take necessary steps to make it one. WordPress permits users to change permalink settings from the dashboard at any moment.

But doing so is not the usual practice and is not recommended. Doing so will redirect the visitors of the site to error 404-page instead of their desired page and hence it will ultimately result in a considerable drop in referral & search engine traffic.

seo friendly url

Making changes from the dashboard will transfer the website content to a new address while the indexed and referral visitors will be redirected to the same old address. Such an occurrence can result in declining webpage traffic and affect the brand associated with it.

What is the need to make SEO friendly URL Structure in WordPress?

One of the important factors attracting users to your site is the URL. It takes a decent, well-organized, and a unique style of permalinks for search engines to navigate and refer a specific content.

A well-organized permalink also contributes to increasing traffic of the webpage by allowing visitors to understand and navigate conveniently.

To develop the rank of your blog in search engines, it is obligatory that the URLs must be in an arrangement that can be interpreted by humans.

Example of a basic and Non-SEO Friendly URL Structure

Example of an SEO Friendly and human-readable form of URL Structure

Hence our focus from the initial stages itself should be on building URLs that are SEO-Friendly.

Everything you need to know to make SEO friendly URL Structure in WordPress

There is a reason behind WordPress being one of the most used platforms for web development. It is flexible and has easy steps to modify any section of a website.

It is easy for a developer to make SEO friendly URL structure in WordPress because it offers convenient settings that allow one with the required modification. Modification of the URL structure in WordPress is explained in detail in the following points

– Search for the Dashboard (Admin Menu)
– Select Permalinks from Settings
– You can find the option ‘Post Name URL’
– Now to save the structure all you have to do is click on save changes

Post Name is the most recommended and the best URL structure for permalinks amongst the six different types offered by WordPress.

We will now check some best practices for creating SEO-friendly URLs

Keep it Simple and Descriptive:

Use clear, descriptive words that accurately convey the content of the page.

Avoid using numbers, special characters, or cyrillic characters in your URLs.

Incorporate Target Keywords:

Include relevant keywords in your URL to signal the topic of the page to search engines and users.

However, we will have to ensure that the URLs remain readable and natural, avoiding keyword stuffing.

Use Hyphens to Separate Words:

Use hyphens (-) to separate words in your URLs instead of underscores (_) or spaces.

Hyphens are preferred by search engines and are more readable for users.

Keep URLs Short and Concise:

Aim for shorter URLs whenever possible, as they are easier to read and share.

Trim unnecessary words and parameters from your URLs to keep them concise.

Avoid Dynamic Parameters:

Minimize the use of dynamic parameters (e.g., query strings) in your URLs, as they can create duplicate content issues and make URLs less readable.

If dynamic parameters are necessary, consider using URL rewriting techniques to create cleaner, more user-friendly URLs.

Use Lowercase Letters:

Stick to lowercase letters in your URLs to maintain consistency and avoid confusion.

Search engines treat uppercase and lowercase letters differently, so using lowercase can help prevent duplicate content issues.

Include Canonical Tags:

Implement canonical tags to specify the preferred version of a URL when multiple URLs point to the same content.

This helps consolidate link equity and avoid duplicate content penalties.

Do not worry we are going to discuss all the six types of permalinks.

Types of Permalinks


1. Default :

Default permalinks are non-SEO friendly and in a format which cannot be understood by humans.
For e.g. Here 786 indicates the ID for a specific page or post in the database

2. Post Name :

This is the most popular and recommended permalink to make SEO friendly URL structure in WordPress. It can generate readable, short, and impactful links for any post or page. It is based on slug i.e. in case the post name is same the URL automatically upgrades and becomes unique.

For further customization, you can select the single post/page options from settings. It must also be noted that two posts cannot be set on the same slug.

3. Numeric :

Numeric helps in establishing permalinks based on the post and page ID. As an example, the URL based on a numeric permalink looks something like this

4. Day and Name :

In this type, the visibility of the permalinks is based on the day and name of the post/page. It looks something like this

5. Month and Name :

For this type, the permalink will be based on the year, months, and name. It is similar to the day and name but has a day missing in it. It looks like this

6. Custom :

Just as the name says, this type in the permalinks helps one in establishing a customized permalink. You can either choose any one parameter or multiple parameters from the year, month, day, post name, and others to make the structure.

If any of the provided five types from the above do not suffice your requirements to make SEO friendly URL structure in WordPress then you can use this type.

We have explained to you all the steps and provided necessary information about all aspects related to making an SEO friendly website. The importance of SEO friendly URL is much more than we could mention in the introduction.

If you already have an under-performing website which does not have well-organized SEO structure then organizing the URL structure will significantly help you in improving the traffic.

If you intend to make a website be sure from the beginning regarding having a sequenced URL structure for all your pages so that you can attract more users. Have a good day.

About Sonal S Sinha

Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha is a passionate writer as well as WordPress and WooCommerce rockstar who loves to share insights on various topics through his engaging blog posts. He runs a successful website design and digital marketing company. With 15+ years of experience in WordPress theme development, he strives to inform and inspire readers with his thought-provoking content. He helps thousands of small and medium businesses and startups create a unique online presence. Follow Sonal S Sinha for your regular dose of knowledge and inspiration.

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