How and Where to Outsource Your WordPress Development Work?

Most designers struggle to keep in touch with what is happening in the WordPress world. If you are a designer, it is your job that the websites you create are the best. They will only be the best if they are in touch with the latest developments in the WordPress world.

The difficulty is that you already have a lot on your table as a designer. You need to find out about design hacks and keep in touch with the updates around the design world. When you already have enough on your table, the best thing to do is outsource WordPress development work.

Outsourcing is an easy solution for businesses and solopreneurs. You do not have to manage a whole team of developers when you can outsource the work to experts. Millions of jobs around the globe have been outsourced.

Both businesses and employees embrace this change as they can work in their comfort zone and preferred timeline. If you have taken a project as a designer to develop a WordPress website for your client.

Then the truth is that you will need a technical expert at some point of time in the project. It is difficult to manage or handle those aspects of the site, so you must find developers with the needed experience.

outsource WordPress development work

Goals and Challenges in outsourcing work

Outsourcing is popular because it saves the company money. However, having an in-house team doing the same thing is always more expensive than outsourcing.

The main challenge when you outsource WordPress development work is ensuring that the project is completed cost-effectively.

Other than that, managing the quality of an outsourced project also gets extremely hard. You have no oversight over how a freelancer executes essential functions.

You also have no idea if the outsourced work will be completed within the given timeframe or not. Meeting deadlines results in the successful completion of the project.

You must address the three most important challenges so that outsourcing can succeed. When you start to outsource WordPress development work, you should prepare a sheet and state the goals. When you know what you want from a project, you are more likely to understand if it was successful or not.

Some possible goals for you to set when you are looking to outsource WordPress development work:

  • Spend X% less time on WordPress without any loss of quality.
  • Form a long-term relationship with a freelancer or outsourcing company.
  • Devote a specific percentage of the project’s budget to outsourcing. This way, you will outsource WordPress development work but will still make a profit.

How to outsource WordPress development work?

You can take three different approaches when you are outsourcing your work. Each has its own benefits and disadvantages. Which approach you should take depends on various circumstances. You should know these three paths:

  • Outsourcing easy one-off tasks only.
  • Hiring a freelancer to work regularly.
  • Forming a partnership with an agency that offers services that you need.

You can choose a path depending on time, money, and your work delegation skills.
If you want to understand which path is the best for you and be sure about your decision. You should take a look at the pros and cons of each option.

Outsourcing easy one-off tasks only

1. It is easy on the wallet. 1. There is a high chance that this type of outsourcing will fail to follow your vision. When you start a project, you have a vision of what it will be like when it is completed. If you outsource parts of the project to different people, it will be difficult for the project to follow the vision.
2. Recognizing the tasks you need someone else to work on is easy. 2. A logo maker will make the logo according to their thinking, and a developer will also perform the tasks according to their mind. When each task is performed by someone else, the project doesn’t integrate well.
3. You can begin the process by testing multiple freelancers. Outsourcers who prove themselves can be used for your project.

Hiring a freelancer to work regularly

1. You can build a relationship with a single freelancer, and with time, they learn what you expect from them. 1. There is a learning curve where both sides get used to each other. During that learning curve, you may not get the best results from your freelancer as they are still new.
2. There are a lot of freelancers who work with WordPress. So it will be easy to find and test freelancers. 2. There are a lot of freelancers out there, but there are only a few freelancers that are able to live up to the client’s expectations. It takes a lot of time to find a good freelancer.
3. It is still affordable.
4. With time and multiple projects, it is extremely easy to get high-quality results.

Forming a partnership with an agency that offers services that you need

1. An agency hires the best WordPress experts, so your chances of getting quality results increase. 1. Working with an agency is costly.
2. Agencies operate in a very professional manner. If you partner with them, you will get your work on time. You will never have the headache of having to review the work done by them.

Where to outsource WordPress work?

If you have decided to outsource WordPress development work, you may also wonder where you can find the appropriate agencies or freelancers.

There are a few sites that can help you outsource the work. The site you choose will depend on the path that you select. Some will be more fitting for your needs.

Shri Krishna Technologies

If you are looking to hire a competent WordPress developer, you should consider Shri Krishna Technologies. Their site has strict policies, and they only feature competent developers. The application of many freelance developers is rejected here.

Because of its focus on quality, this site has become popular among businesses. If you wish to outsource the development of a WordPress website, you should check out this site.


Fiverr is an excellent platform where people sell their services for a very low price. Most of the services listed here can be brought at $5. Of course, the rate varies according to work. A lot of WordPress developers are available here.

If you select a freelancer from Fiverr, you can get work done quickly and without supervision. The only downside is that quality can vary.

Type out keywords like WordPress development, WordPress developer, website development, website developer, and WordPress coder to search for the professionals you need.


It is the most popular freelancing website on the web. If you type “WordPress” in the search bar, you will get around 500 pages of results. There are a lot of options for you to check and test.

If you are unsatisfied with one freelancer, you can find another on Upwork quickly. It is also pocket friendly but does not compromise with quality. You can check client testimonials on the profile of a freelancer who bids for your job.

You will know which candidate is qualified and has past work experience. At Upwork, you can choose freelancers for small development-related tasks or allocate an entire project to a freelancer too.

If you have concluded that your project is only suitable to be handled by an agency. Then is a site that you can visit. It is an website that handles custom freelance WordPress projects. This website has an experience of over more than a decade and has handled thousands of clients to date.

If you need a guarantee of success, you cannot go wrong by doing business with Most of their project fee starts from $600. Only consider them if you are ready to spend money on the quality WordPress development you need.

This is the native platform of WordPress for WordPress-related jobs. If you are looking for a WordPress developer, you can post the job here. Along with that, you can also post other details like location, job type, and whether it is remote or not. Job seekers can search for the type of job that they are looking for and get results.

For example, if a freelancer wants to search for WordPress developer related jobs, they can search for it and they will get many results. This is the perfect platform to connect freelancers and people with WordPress powered websites.

People per hour

People can post their hourly rate for the job, and that’s where the name comes from. It is like fiverr but the charge can range from $5 to $500.

Most freelancers who submit their hourlies describe it well and you can also see reviews from other clients. With the help of the description, reviews, and price you can decide which freelancer to choose for WordPress development.


Choosing a site where you will hire people, and listing the tasks that need to be completed is not enough. You need to do just a few more things to ensure that your project is successfully completed.

The first thing is learning how to identify a high quality freelancer.
The second thing is training the freelancer and making the transition smooth.
The third step is using some sort of work management software, where you can login and see the the progress that the freelancer has made. Afterall, they have to meet deadlines.

Doing all the things mentioned in this article will help you outsource your WordPress development work.

We are help you to outsource your WordPress development work

About Sonal S Sinha

Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha is a passionate writer as well as WordPress and WooCommerce rockstar who loves to share insights on various topics through his engaging blog posts. He runs a successful website design and digital marketing company. With 15+ years of experience in WordPress theme development, he strives to inform and inspire readers with his thought-provoking content. He helps thousands of small and medium businesses and startups create a unique online presence. Follow Sonal S Sinha for your regular dose of knowledge and inspiration.

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