7 Marketing Strategies For Successful Blogger to Make Money

When it comes to marketing your website, you need to know that the competition can be downright intensive. That’s all the more reason why you need to try out effective marketing strategies to get your website out front and center.

Just review some of the top marketing strategies for bloggers, and try implementing the same, and soon you should see a healthy uptick in incoming traffic.

Best Marketing Strategies For Successful Blogger

1. Viral content:

Granted that your very first blog is not likely to be going viral anytime soon but the fact remains that as long as you keep blogging regularly, and on current events, chances for one of your posts to go viral increases.

It is a good thing to have a post go viral and totally another when that happens regularly. You can carve out a market for your website with interesting posts, which are current and trendy.

Check out some of the top blog posts, and you will soon see why posting viral posts is considered to be an effective marketing strategy for bloggers.

Marketing strategies Blogger

2. Social media content:

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With social media platforms boasting a monthly readership base of billions, it is no wonder that companies are eager to leverage the same for obvious reasons.

Of course, it would be a good idea for you to set up an account with some of the top-ranking social media platforms and to develop content specific to these social media platforms and to link it back to your blog.

The challenge is to make your social media post as interesting as it can get and one that’s relatable to your blog. You can make your post into a meme maker, or an infographic or something else altogether.

That’s the beauty of using social media platforms as one of the effective marketing strategies for blogger – it may be transitory but when it clicks, the impact can be huge.

3. Create round-up posts:

This is an effective way of getting more shares, and getting your blog post more visibility thereby increasing the user engagement on your website.

A roundup post is generally a post that answers specific questions with the required answers generally provided by top experts in the field.

Of course, you would have to do the required research for the same but once you have the required opinions on the topic matter, you can develop the roundup post.

Chances are that there would be others looking for answers to a similar query and your post would come in handy. And that is why it makes sense to create some roundup posts each week, as an effective marketing strategy for a blogger.

4. Public speaking:

public speaking

Yes, this one may sound a bit out there but the fact is that public speaking at events that may relate to the content of your blog is an effective way for you to establish your connection with a new audience. Just search on social media platforms for events or conferences that you can participate in.

Contact the organizers, share some of your topics with them explain how you bring something of value to their audience, and make a pitch.

Do keep in mind that not all the organizers would be interested in hearing what you may have to say and chances are that you may get shot down 5 times out of 7, but there would be a few who would think it would be a great idea.

You need to pitch your idea/ content to the team, get their input, and based on the same, develop the topic further before presenting it to the audience.

This will enable you to meet new people, and in the process, you can enjoy the experience of what is one of the many effective marketing strategies for bloggers.

5. Fuse your blog and product:

The other great way to drive more traffic to your blog is to fuse both, where you can set up drop-down lists or scatter links to related posts on your home page.

Or you could go for a more professional option of setting up an icon and clicking on the same should help list out the latest blog posts by category.

The point is that you are making it easier for your customers to locate the relevant blog posts and in the process; you help drive more traffic to your blog.

6. Collaborating with other blogs:


The only downside to this idea is that you can, logically speaking, collaborate with other similarly sized blogs.

That being said, it is still a great idea – the first thing that you need to do is to explore your niche and locate all the blogs that seem related to your own, and happen to be of a similar size.

Before you approach the bloggers directly, you may want to sort through the various blogs based on various metrics such as domain ranking – the more authoritative the blog, the better it will be. And once you have the target blogs sized up, you can contact the blog owner, and discuss collaboration.

7. Repurpose your content:

Granted that some of your content could be outdated and it could well do with a new paint job. And what better way of editing the content and repurposing it in a new format such as slides, which can help reach more people?

The fact is that online users often try out various formats and by repurposing the content, you are reaching out to a new audience altogether.

These are some of the effective marketing strategies for bloggers that can help you boost your traffic and in turn, help develop your website as well.

Do keep in mind that content is still king and if you want to retain your incoming traffic then your content needs to be of high-grade quality, and interesting enough to engage their attention right away. With these tips, you should be able to do just that and much more.

About Sonal S Sinha

Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha is a passionate writer as well as WordPress and WooCommerce rockstar who loves to share insights on various topics through his engaging blog posts. He runs a successful website design and digital marketing company. With 15+ years of experience in WordPress theme development, he strives to inform and inspire readers with his thought-provoking content. He helps thousands of small and medium businesses and startups create a unique online presence. Follow Sonal S Sinha for your regular dose of knowledge and inspiration.

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