Why You Should Use DNS for WordPress Site Verification

Want to know why DNS for WordPress site is essential? Are you trying to verify your site? Well, it doesn’t matter what your website is about.

The important thing is to verify your site if you want to rank in search engines like Bing, Google, and Yahoo, etc. Verification is most important for any website because it is the simplest way to rank higher. 

If you care about your audience, site performance, and more the ensuring your site with DNS is an easy way. In this article, we will talk about a step-by-step guide to verify your site with DNS. 

Before jumping into the steps, one should understand the basics. So, let us get started!

What is DNS?

Domain name system (DNS) allows users to connect the website with matching domain names. For example, your website is about WordPress themes then your domain name would be sktthemes.org, etc. and stored it with unique name ID and server. 

Now think about the DNS system, this will list down various DNS names along with IP addresses and servers. When you enter your domain like SKTthemes, it quickly identifies the IP address and server where the website is stored. 

How Do DNS works?

Internet is a huge world, hence unique IP addresses are assigned to each network that helps other computes to find the address. The IP address is in given format:

DNS for WordPress site

If you want to reach a website, you need to remember the IP address. This is hard to remember large strings and search for the quires. This is why domain names were introduced in alphabets which is easy to remember. 
The DNS works as a translator. Whenever a user enters alphabets in search engine like SKTthemes. It translates into IP address and the user reaches a place where it stored. 
Note- Domain name should be the same as DNS. 

DNS for website verification is a must to reach traffic, hence you should follow given steps to verify DNS. 

Site verification problem with Yoast SEO

Whenever users set up the site with Google search console he usually goes through a simple verification process with Yoast SEO plugin via webmaster tools. 

The Yoast SEO plugins allow the user to put into easy verification method by Meta tags. The problem mainly the user face during verification is that the code inserts into the header of the file that does not disappear. However, it is unnecessary because you need it only once for verifying your site. 
WordPress SEO by Yoast
At this point, you do not need this code and want to remove it forever. It is just 3 lines code that adds up when you need performance. As a website owner, it is important to think about each aspect that lowering user experience.

Another problem that the user is facing is multiple access and re-verification. The problem is you’re not alone on the site. There are so many administrators thus someone makes changes to the site or remove tag while using DNS records. The other issue can create when you make changes in SEO plugins and forget to verify these. 

To solve all your issues, we are going to share some good tips to avoid such issues and you could do DNS for WordPress Site Verification. 

Here we will share tools that help the user to do DNS verification easily without codes and no future issues. 

DNS Verification with Google Search Console

If your website is verified with Yoast SEO plugin then you should perform the given steps. In case you haven’t verified then perform the third step first. 

1. Visit the Google search console and choose your site from the right side of the window. 
2. Choose a gear option and then click on the verification process. 
3. From the verification method select Domain name provider’ option. If you are not seeking your Domain name then choose another option ‘DNS Made Easy’. It is faster. 
4. You can even choose the google tag manager or google analytics for verification. 
5. Now login to your domain registrar account. If the things looking complicated for you then ask DNS provider for help. 
6. When everything is completed click on the submit button.
7. Now get back to the google verification and click the verify button. 
8. Make sure you have removed the code from the Toast SEO plugin. Now your site is completely verified forever by using DNS. 

DNS verification with Bing Webmaster Tools

  • Visit the Bing webmaster tools and choose your site from the left side.
  • Choose the verify ownership process. This will be required to choose CNAME records with Domain registrar.
  • Now login to your DNS account and in DNS for WordPress site Made easy you have to enter the CNAME records and click on the submit button.
  • Now click on the verify button.
  • Remember to remove code from the WordPress site’s header. 
  • The site is verified now and you are free from the stress. 

DNS verification with Yandex webmaster tools

Just follow the given steps:

Note- if your site is already verified with the above-given tools, then you are not allowed to change its verification. If you still want to do this then remove it from Yoast SEO plugin and check it after 2-3 months. This allows verifying you can move to this step otherwise you will need to wait.

1. Visit Yandex webmaster tools and choose to verify your site management rights. 
2. Now click on verify rights from the DNS records tab. Just like Google search console, it will ask you the TXT file. 
3. Now login to your domain registrar or DNS account. Enter the TXT file in DNS made an easy option. Then click on the submit button.
4. Get back your Yandex verification screen and click on the check button. This will takes two days, so be calm and done each step carefully.

Wrapping Up
This is all you’ll need to do. You are now packed with your mind on how to do this and why it is important to do so. Make sure your site has less code, the more you have code the fewer chances to get verification. 

About Sonnal S Sinha

Sonnal S SinhaSonnal S Sinha is a passionate writer as well as WordPress and WooCommerce rockstar who loves to share insights on various topics through his engaging blog posts. He runs a successful website design and digital marketing company. With 15+ years of experience in WordPress theme development, he strives to inform and inspire readers with his thought-provoking content. He helps thousands of small and medium businesses and startups create a unique online presence. Follow Sonnal S Sinha for your regular dose of knowledge and inspiration.

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