SKT Full Width Pro – no “next” navigation on posts

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  • #158705
    Mark SteinMark Stein
    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 54
    • Total: 70
    Member since: July 15, 2016

    I just noticed that on my category posts, the navigation at the bottom shows a link to the previous post, but not the next post. I have no idea why – haven’t changed anything, as far as I know. Site:, sample page:

    The Post navigation shows the previous page:

    ← At-home healing meditation 5/26/20

    but there should also be a link (missing) for:

    Bridge closure beginning July 7 →

    Any ideas? Happy to reset SKT password if you need it – let me know. Thanks!

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly send us your URL of the site and WordPress admin details (Username & Password) via email:[email protected] Please mention this forum URL while replying so that we understand what needs to be done.

    We’ll check and revert back to you.


    Mark SteinMark Stein
    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 54
    • Total: 70
    Member since: July 15, 2016

    Sent the information you requested a few days ago from a different email account. Resent it today. Thanks!

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    • Total: 30796
    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Added a previous post next post plugin which can manage the color as well as the button. You can manage the settings from this place:


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