Remove Slinder SKT-White

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  • #65708
    • Topics: 3
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    Member since: February 10, 2017


    I try to remove slider code from header.php, but after remove white screen appeare, my question how to clear white screen when i remove slider code, below is code i remove

    <?php $slidershortcode = of_get_option(‘slidershortcode’); ?>
    <?php if( !empty($slidershortcode)){?>
    <div class=”slider-main”>
    <?php if( of_get_option(‘slidershortcode’) != ”){ echo do_shortcode(of_get_option(‘slidershortcode’, true));}; ?>
    <?php } else { ?>

    <div class=”slider-main”>

    $slAr = array();
    $m = 0;
    for ($i=1; $i<11; $i++) {
    if ( of_get_option(‘slide’.$i, true) != “” ) {
    $imgSrc = of_get_option(‘slide’.$i, true);
    $imgTitle = of_get_option(‘slidetitle’.$i, true);
    $imgDesc = of_get_option(‘slidedesc’.$i, true);
    $imglink = of_get_option(‘slidelink’.$i, true);
    $imgbut = of_get_option(‘slidebutton’.$i, true);
    if ( strlen($imgSrc) > 10 ) {
    $slAr[$m][‘image_src’] = of_get_option(‘slide’.$i, true);
    $slAr[$m][‘image_title’] = of_get_option(‘slidetitle’.$i, true);
    $slAr[$m][‘image_desc’] = of_get_option(‘slidedesc’.$i, true);
    $slAr[$m][‘image_url’] = of_get_option(‘slidelink’.$i, true);
    $slAr[$m][‘image_but’] = of_get_option(‘slidebutton’.$i, true);

    $slideno = array();
    if( $slAr > 0 ){
    $n = 0;?>
    <div id=”slider” class=”nivoSlider”>
    foreach( $slAr as $sv ){
    $n++; ?>” alt=”<?php echo esc_attr($sv[‘image_title’]);?>” title=”<?php if ( ($sv[‘image_title’]!=”) && ($sv[‘image_desc’]!=”)) { echo ‘#slidecaption’.$n ; } ?>”/><?php
    $slideno[] = $n;
    foreach( $slideno as $sln ){ ?>
    <div id=”slidecaption<?php echo $sln; ?>” class=”nivo-html-caption”>
    <div class=”top-bar”>
    <?php if( of_get_option(‘slidetitle’.$sln, true) != ” ){ ?>
    <h2><?php echo of_get_option(‘slidetitle’.$sln, true); ?></h2>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if( of_get_option(‘slidedesc’.$sln, true) != ” ){ ?>
    <p><?php echo of_get_option(‘slidedesc’.$sln, true); ?></p>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if( of_get_option(‘slideurl’.$sln, true) != ”){ ?>
    “><?php _e(‘Read More »’,’skt-white’); ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if( of_get_option(‘slidebutton’.$sln, true) != ”){ ?>
    <?php echo of_get_option(‘slidebutton’.$sln, true); ?>
    <?php } ?>
    } ?>


    <div class=”clear”></div>

    <?php } ?>
    /#services” class=”arrow-down”>
    </div><!– slider –>
    <?php } ?>

    <?php } ?>

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    • Total: 31022
    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Joko,

    Kindly show us your website URL.


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