Link not working

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  • #117057
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    Member since: January 17, 2019

    Hello I am using the fundraiser theme. On my home page, under the “front page section 1” the “read more” link isn’t working for the last 2 boxes in the section. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, I’ve tried changing the URL to see if it was a URL issue, but no luck. Below is the short code I’m using and the website link:

    <!– wp:shortcode –>
    [sliderinbox icon=”home” title=”Family” description=”The foundation of a strong community is a strong family.” readmore=”Read More” url=”” bgcolor=”#671a00″ color=”#ffffff”]
    <!– /wp:shortcode –>

    <!– wp:shortcode –>
    [sliderinbox icon=”graduation-cap” title=”Education” description=”Rising above violence thorugh education.” readmore=”Learn More” url=”” bgcolor=”#e4701d” color=”#ffffff”]
    <!– /wp:shortcode –>

    <!– wp:shortcode –>
    [sliderinbox icon=”group” title=”Community” description=”Sharing knowledge and experience.” readmore=”Read More” url=”″
    bgcolor=”#1eb5c0″ color=”#ffffff”]
    <!– /wp:shortcode –>

    <!– wp:shortcode –>
    [sliderinbox icon=”user-circle-o” title=”Leadership” description=”Learn how to become a better leader in your community.” readmore=”Learn More” url=””
    bgcolor=”#592684″ color=”#ffffff”]
    <!– /wp:shortcode –>

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly use these short codes instead of that

    [sliderinbox icon="group" title="Community" description="Sharing knowledge and experience." readmore="Read More" url="" bgcolor="#1eb5c0" color="#ffffff"]

    [sliderinbox icon="user-circle-o" title="Leadership" description="Learn how to become a better leader in your community." readmore="Learn More" url="" bgcolor="#592684" color="#ffffff"]


    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: January 17, 2019

    The short codes worked. I should have double checked the links.

    Thank you for the help!

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    • Total: 30796
    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi ghernandez,

    If you found our service good kindly review us here:


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