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  • #92214
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    Member since: November 18, 2017

    Under the slider on the home page right above the footer area, I have a quote from the artist on the left side and then a RECENT POSTS and CONTACT area to the right of that…I do not want the RECENT POSTS or CONTACT to be there and want the artist quote to be the only thing in that area and be centered and use the space better…can you help?



    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Kindly show your website URL please.


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    Member since: November 18, 2017



    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Kindly send us WordPress admin details via sktthemes.net/contact

    Will get it done.


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    Member since: November 18, 2017


    I have a few more questions about this site I am working on: http://drenee.com/new2017/index.php/portfolio/

    1. how do you create a link that opens in another browser window rather than how the link button creates them to leave the main website?

    2. Can you please remove the “ALL” option on the portfolio I have created. I do not want to change the rest of the portfolio sections that I have there?

    3. I will be uploading many different colors to the color palette section of the portfolio. They will be grouped in an order so the like colors are together. In the future, how will I insert a new color where i want it to go in the oder of colors? Is there a way to order things you have in a certain area in the portfolio?



    • Topics: 3
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    Member since: November 18, 2017


    I need help PLEASE…I have a few more questions about this site I am working on: http://drenee.com/new2017/index.php/portfolio/

    1. how do you create a link that opens in another browser window rather than how the link button creates them to leave the main website?

    2. Can you please remove the “ALL” option on the portfolio I have created. I do not want to change the rest of the portfolio sections that I have there?

    3. I will be uploading many different colors to the color palette section of the portfolio. They will be grouped in an order so the like colors are together. In the future, how will I insert a new color where i want it to go in the oder of colors? Is there a way to order things you have in a certain area in the portfolio?



    • Topics: 3
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    Member since: November 18, 2017


    I need to understand how to change the email I have on a contact form…I need it to go to another email.

    Thank-you…I have a deadline for this and the other issues…please contact me as soon as possible.

    Many thanks,


    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    This can only be done via coder.

    Kindly send us your URL of the site and WordPress admin details (Username & Password) via sktthemes.net/contact Please mention this forum URL while replying so that we understand what needs to be done.


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    Member since: November 18, 2017

    Hello, I have sent the information you needed and have not heard back…please get back to me…I have a deadline with this site…thank-you


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    Member since: November 18, 2017

    I need help with a request from a client…I need to move the Glaze Palettes in her Portfolio onto the Galleries and Designers page of her site. She does not want it on the same portfolio as her commissioned works etc.
    Do I need to recreate it or can it be moved?

    It would be great if it was in it’s own portfolio on a separate page that I can link to from the Galleries & Designers page of her site.

    Please advise…

    Thank-you…I will send the URL and info to you..


    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    You have to recreate it with another plugin.


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    Member since: November 18, 2017

    Hello, I created a page called Glaze Palettes…Can you please take off the Archives and Meta things that are on there and add a portfolio that I can work with just like the one on the Portfolio page?

    I would really appreciate that. Currently, I have been injured and so it is hard for me to do the work right now for this client. If you can create the Glaze Palettes portfolio there on the page, I can take my time and re-create the information she needs to be moved there.

    Thank-you very much,


    • Topics: 3
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    Member since: November 18, 2017

    I just noticed the page I created shows up on the website as a separate page on the top of the menu. I really want the page to stay hidden if possible so I can just have it as a link off of the Galleries & Designers page…Is this possible?

    Regardless, I need a new portfolio put on the Glaze Palettes page I have there.

    Can you please put that portfolio there and advise me about whether it can be a hidden page that is not on the menu. If it has to be on the menu…can it please be put right after the Galleries & designers page link in the menu?



    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Will be checked by coder today.


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    Member since: November 18, 2017

    Thank-you…Also, I just got a call from the client and they say that on their iPhone 7 the portfolio that is there does not read well. I am new to wordpress and thought it was designed to adjust for viewing on other devices> ??

    Can you tell me why the images in the portfolio would not look right on a newer phone? She needs this to be corrected and I am not sure what to do…here is what she says:

    “I have an iPhone 7 and all of the images on the portfolio page are double the vertical size, so they show elongated.”

    Please take a look and advise me…



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