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  • #53718
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    Member since: September 28, 2016

    Please help?
    I want to remove day & month in orange box from appearing on photo and also remove time and location under photo

    Ive tried removing myself and I am unsuccessful. Also is there anyway you can add the drop down filter screen with read more on these photo sections.

    To clarify i am referring to (Help Us Reach 80 Schools) & (Our Causes) on my website

    I have posted below code to reference… event_date=”20″ event_month=July” event_time_icon=”clock.. location etc…

    [event_main][event image=”” event_date=”20″ event_month=”July” title=”BULLYING: Stop Bullying Now” event_time_icon=”clock-o” event_time=”08.00 – 16.00″ event_location_icon=”map-marker” event_location=”Vallejo, California” content=”Over 75% of students are bullied or victimized each school year in the U.S. At least 160,000 youth missed school every month because they fear being bullied. Bullies are often people who have been victims of bullying themselves.” button=”Get Help” link=”#”][/event][event image=”” event_date=”20″ event_month=”July” title=”SUICIDE: Choose to live” event_time_icon=”clock-o” event_time=”08.00 – 16.00″ event_location_icon=”map-marker” event_location=”Vallejo, California” content=”Sed suscipit mauris nec mauris vulputa apouere libero congue. Nam laoreet elit eu erat pulvinar, et efficitur nibh euismod. Proin venenatis orci sit amet nisl finibus vehicula. Nam metus hendrerit quis ante eget, lobortis elemtum” button=”Read More” link=”#”][/event][event image=”” event_date=”20″ event_month=”July” title=”SELF-HARM: It will get better” event_time_icon=”clock-o” event_time=”08.00 – 16.00″ event_location_icon=”map-marker” event_location=”Vallejo, California” content=”Sed suscipit mauris nec mauris vulputa apouere libero congue. Nam laoreet elit eu erat pulvinar, et efficitur nibh euismod. Proin venenatis orci sit amet nisl finibus vehicula. Nam metus hendrerit quis ante eget, lobortis elemtum” button=”Read More” link=”#” class=”last”][/event][/event_main]

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Patti,

    Kindly go to Appearance>>Theme Option>>Basic Setting>>Custom CSS Box

    Add this code there:

    .event-thumb h3{display:none;}
    .event-time, .event-location{display:none;}


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