Ah now i understand the system how to make them work. you need to fill in all three columns below the Picture. Is there any way to place a customized Call to Action (Contact us) Button in the slider area so that it looks similar to this http://prntscr.com/ceamka
Hi Dave,
i´ve checked the shortcake list. there is only this content
http://prntscr.com/axu84u available. Shortcodes ultimate is installed in my WP but i am not able to make them work inside the service section. if i enter the shortcode ultimate codes there is half of the code shown in the window.
i only can get it work like http://prntscr.com/axu7jm
Hi Dave,
did this Link work for you?
Regards Chris
Hi Shri,
for usual i need only 3 of them but i miss the option to make a listing inside the “Service” look like this one
I only can do this by creating a site.
The “Check Hooks” are content of a additional shortcode plugin that is used by me.
Is there any possibility to make this special code work there?
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