wpml front page Slider & Top menus not translated

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  • #27601
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    Member since: March 10, 2016

    We are having problems with healing touch pro, WPML and the fact that slider text, READ MORE, and the top menus are not translating. We do not find the text or the option to change these items in string translation. From other posts, it appears I am not the only person having this issue. It also sounds like it is a shortcodes type of function, but I am not sure where to find the correct location of the code to add shortcodes. Please advise.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Hi Steve,

    Is this for Healing Touch or Spirited Pro that you are asking about?

    We have updated both the themes to have read more via appearance>theme options>basic settings.

    So you can change it from there itself.

    Let us know if you find them in basic settings.


    • Topics: 5
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    Member since: March 10, 2016

    I am discussing Healing Touch. There are two places for Read More. The home page and search results. I am speaking about both locations. Your response was discussing search results only. I went to Theme Options/Basic Settings and I added the following shortcodes

    echo wpml_text_if_language( ‘en’, ‘Read More’ ); echo wpml_text_if_language( ‘es’, ‘Lear Mas’ );

    and tried

    [wpml_if lang=’en’]Read More[/wpml_if][wpml_if lang=’es’]Lear Mas[/wpml_if]

    Neither codes are working

    • Topics: 5
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    Member since: March 10, 2016

    I am waiting on a response please

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