Wedding Videographer Themes videos

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  • #93981
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    Member since: January 17, 2018

    Wedding Videographer Themes
    Videos > Add New Videos not working…

    Page appears but videos are not working.

    The videos in the following section do not open
    Home Section 3 Code:

    [centertitle text=”Discover my” textlast=”work” titlecolor=”#393939″ lastwordcolor=”#e52d27″]
    [video-carousel playtext=”Watch Videos”]
    [readmore align=”CENTER” icon=”” button=”VIEW ALL WORK” links=”#” margintop=”4%” target=”_parent” color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#e52d27″]

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Send us WordPress admin details and URL of the site via [email protected] for us to check.

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