Various Technical Support Requests

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  • #86854
    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 1
    • Total: 2
    Member since: November 3, 2017

    I love the theme but I have a couple of things I can’t seem to fix myself. Could you pleaseprovide answers to the following:
    1. I would like to keep my top header static. My website is could you please have a look & provide the CSS code like you did for that gentleman on the forum? I tired inputting the CSS code that you gave him, however it squishes my header.
    2. How do I remove the Home Page Page template from the homepage? The Sections after Our Specialists do not show as the home Page Template is in the way – I want for the rest of the home page to show some of those sections – Our Advantages, Make an Appointment & Customer Testimonials & the Galley – but I cannot get them to display. Please help.
    3. The Make an Appointment Buttons do not link to anything or go anywhere, how do I set up the make an appointment function?
    4. The Opening Hours Day Text (I.E Mon – Fri) is either missing or is the same colour as the background but I don’t know how to fix it, please help.
    5. I have put a menu in the footer however the sub menu will not nest & is instead displayed – how do I make the footer sub menus nest like the header menu sub menus do?
    6. How do I edit the contact form that appears on every page – I would like to delete the gender field.
    7. How do I get the social media icons to link to my social media pages?

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
    • Replies: 31035
    • Total: 31035
    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly go to Appearance >> Theme Options >> Basic Settings >> Custom CSS Box:

    Add this code there:

    1. Answer

    .header { position:fixed; z-index:100000;}
    .header-top, .slider-main { top:110px;}

    2. Answer

    Kindly go to WordPress Admin >> Settings >> Readings >> Select Your Latest Posts.

    3. Answer

    Kindly refer our documentation to setup make an appointment link.

    4. Answer

    .hourse-day { color:#fff;}

    5. Answer

    .footer ul li ul { display:none;}

    6. Answer

    #contactform_main select { display: none;}

    7. Answer

    Kindly refer our documentation to setup social media link.


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