Upgrade to Gravida Pro seems unusable

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  • #55174
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    Member since: December 7, 2016

    I’ve just upgraded and installed Gravida Pro theme on a site previously using the free version and now it seems entirely broken. The site has reverted to default styling and images and the customisation side panel appears to have no content. Switching back to the free theme corrects everything. I’ve just repeated the process on another site hosted entirely separately but, as before, the pro theme seems completely unusable.

    What is going on, has anyone else had this experience? Have I missed a crucial additonal step – I must admit I thought it would be a seamless process…

    Wordpress 4.7

    PS: not sure why this has not ended up in the Gravida Support topic as intended, sorry…

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Edward,

    Sorry about this the WordPress 4.7 update conflicted with Customizer classes of ours so we updated the theme to rectify this CSS issue.

    Kindly re-download the theme from sktthemes.net/my-account/ downloads section

    Then kindly activate free theme and delete the old Pro theme. Upload the new downloaded theme via appearance>themes>add new and then activate this new theme.

    Hope this rectifies all the issues.


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    Hi Shri,

    The latest download did fix the initial problem, thanks, but I have been disappointed to discover that I cannot seem to migrate the theme settings seamlessly from the previous template so there is a fair amount of manual migration work required. Following my earlier problems I experimented with the theme on a non-customer facing site yesterday (the theme is currently not activated there – it is now *only* active on the one site).

    Now I seem to be locked out of the admin controls because I am ‘cheating’ apparently?
    Is this intentional, if so it seems pretty unreasonable. How do I resolve this now?

    I must say that I am not having a very nice experience with SKT Themes so far guys…


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    Member since: December 7, 2016

    Hi Shri,

    I’ve tried this theme again on another quickly spun-up wordpress site to see if I can get to the bottom of the issue – it seems I can run this one again with no issues. Do you have something you intend to prevent multiple useage of the theme or is just an awkward use of ‘cheating’ in your error message to do with some unrelated issue?

    The specific problem on the customer-facing site is that none of the Edit Content windows seem to be working as expected. They intermittently show content in the text tab (but mostly both tabs are blank). Even if content is visible and edited in the txt tab it disappears when selecting the Visual tab (which is necessary to enable the Save and Close button). The Save and Close button does not close the window and no changes are saved. Occasionally a pop-up appears with the message ‘Are you cheating?’ with two options but clicking either option does not seem to resolve the problem.

    Time is of essence to get this site up so all advice gratefully received. I didn’t plan for the paid theme upgrade to stop me in my tracks!


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Edward,

    Kindly send us your URL of the site and WordPress admin details via sktthemes.net/contact

    Please mention this forum URL while replying so that we understand what needs to be done.


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    After the frustrating loss of a working day, the controls mysteriously began working again yesterday – a few hours after I sent you the admin credentials so I assume you made some changes?

    I need to purchase further themes now, but I am left very uncertain about using SKT ones. Realistically we will often want to experiment or test layouts on a ‘hidden’ secondary site before publishing them to the primary, customer-facing, site. Do I now understand correctly that this is specifically prevented by SKT and can result in your sites being locked – or was this simply an additional technical problem, perhaps associated with the other WordPress 4.7 issues?


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Edward,

    Believe us we didn’t do anything.

    It might have been cache issue of your browser which got cleared over the day to show you the right sections properly.

    In case of future always open the site in private window of Firefox or Incognito Window of chrome to avoid such a day loss.


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    Hi Shri,

    Thanks for the reply and I’m relieved that this does not now seem to be an ill-conceived and clumsy revenue protection measure.
    For your own interest though, I can tell you that we had 4 people working on the site content (3 in the UK, 1 in Canada) who all found the same issue, and on different browsers – so I don’t *think* it can be trivially related to local caches?
    In any case, just for absolute clarity, if I go ahead and purchase another theme I can do so confident that it can be installed on at least two sites (test and production) without a breach of the license term or any technical impediment?

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Edward,

    Yes there won’t be any license issues for 2 sites so you can go ahead and purchase another theme.

    Also this 4.7 problem is now solved in all themes so no more of that problem either.


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    Hi Shri,

    Thanks for the clarification and, for the benefit of anyone reading this thread, while I have had significant problems moving to this theme (at least the first of which was due to the unfortunate timing of the WP 4.7 release on the same day) the support response has been fast and helpful throughout – which makes up for a lot!


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Edward,

    Thanks for the heads up. Look forward to your purchase.


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