Unable to Edit/Change SKT Church Pro

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  • #36857
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    Member since: April 26, 2016

    I’ve installed the SKT Church Pro on 3 separate sub-domains on 2 different primary domains and the issues persist. I can create as many pages as I want and add them to the primary menu but they do not show up in the SKT ‘live’ theme.
    I’ve switched the theme to 4 other free themes (via wordpress.org themes) and the menu does show up.
    As a final test I tried to add a dummy ‘pastor’ (via that section of the admin panel) and again even though it publishes, nothing on site site changes.

    I have at no plugins running that might be caching the site so I am quite at a loss.

    Please assist

    Site link:

    The sample page should be gone and 2 pages: Welcome and About Us w should be showing in addition to the Home Page

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    Member since: April 26, 2016

    Updated Additional Info:
    Tried using the SKT Wedding Pro and same issue – no menus. When I switched to the SKT HighTech Pro however, the menus worked.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Hi Chris,

    Kindly go to Appearance>>Theme Option and click on Restore Defaults

    Make some changes and let me know if you still having the issue’s.


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    I reset to defaults as per your suggestion. The two pages are showing and nothing else. No site, no images.

    The pages do ‘work’ but the main home page is missing and the formatting is bollixed.

    The same thing happened once before during one of my earlier attempts to repair (before my initial post)

    I left the site ‘as is’ so you can see what is happening.


    I have no customizations with CSS or HTML, nor any addons/plugins.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Hi Chris,

    The theme isn’t uploaded properly.

    It seems completely broken.

    Does it given any error when you upload the theme?


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    No there are no errors and the theme works fine when initially uploaded, other than not being able to make changes. As I mentioned in my initial post I tried this on a 2 different subdomains on an entirely diff domain with the same results.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Kindly send us URL of the site and WOrdPress admin details via sktthemes.net/contact

    We will check.

    The error you show is when the theme isn’t uploaded properly.


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    Member since: April 26, 2016


    This is a link to a 2nd subdomain (church 2 vs church 1) and the same thing is happening. I have added a single page (welcome) and it does not show. This is a clean new download of the zip from your site then uploaded via FTP on a clean subdomain with a clean new install of WordPress
    The error on church 1 only occurred after Brad asked me to reset to default settings in the appearance. The theme previously showed correctly but new pages would not appear and could not add new information to the various admin panel sections

    I will send admin login info via contact now.

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    Login info sent

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    Member since: April 26, 2016

    Any updates?

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    I installed it and it worked just fine. It means you didn’t download the complete zip of church theme and hence it wasn’t uploading properly.


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    Member since: April 26, 2016

    Do you have a recommended way of installing? A link would be sufficient.

    As I said in my posts I downloaded the zip file 2 separate times and after extracting, uploaded it clean via FTP on 3 different domains with clean wordpress installs. The site worked but wouldn’t edit and it ‘broke’ after i was told to reset to default.

    I certainly don’t want to be bothering you so if you reply with a link/reference to your preferred method of install I’ll be happy to do that in the future

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    I think the zip you had wasn’t complete and didn’t download fully.

    All i did was deleted your theme by activating something else and uploaded it and activated it.

    Nothing else.


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