Transparent Pictures

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    Malosi TaeleifiMalosi Taeleifi
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    Member since: March 2, 2015


    I’m trying to get my pictures and embeded YouTube videos to not also be transparent.  How can I do that?

    This is what it looks like now


    Malosi TaeleifiMalosi Taeleifi
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    Member since: March 2, 2015

    I also have read all of the portfolio posts and still can not figure out how to put pictures in the portfolio slider.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013


    Keep opacity of 0.9 to avoid the transparency.

    If you want we can set up 1 slider for you. You have to email us your WordPress admin details.

    Our email id: [email protected]


    Jose Fernando Cantador JuniorJose Fernando Cantador Junior
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    Hi, I also have the same problem!!
    All photos and text is transparent…Also My LOGO is transparent
    take a look at my website:

    so.. I do not want ALL transparent, but just the black box.. like this example:

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Sorry for the delay in reply. I couldn’t check your site since it goes to check your web address error.

    You can keep opacity at 0.9 or else we can give you the RGB codes however then color changes would be a problem. So if you just want the opacity controlled and not the color then we can give you instructions for the same or else we can do this on your website provided you send us the WordPress admin details via email: [email protected]


    Jose Fernando Cantador JuniorJose Fernando Cantador Junior
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    the site was under maintenance mode…now you can see what is happening…

    So.. if I set the opacity at 0.9.. the texts.. photos… logo… still looks not a solution…

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Can you send us the WordPress admin details for us to check? Our email is: [email protected]

    We will set it up don’t worry.


    Lucy JacobusLucy Jacobus
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    Member since: February 25, 2015

    Shri, Can you also help me with the same issue?  I would like the main content of each page to have 100% opacity with the background at 0.7 opacity.  Can you give me the code for this?


    Thank you,


    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Hi Lucy,

    Follow these instructions properly.

    Go to Appearance>Theme Options>Basic Settings and de select the color and opacity of header, footer and content area. And then save the settings.

    Once done now go to Appearance>Theme Options>Layout Settings>Custom CSS box and now paste this code there:

    #content, .header, .top-bar, #colophon{background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) !important;}

    And save. This should work just fine.

    Now you need to manage the color and the opacity via this section from now on instead of basic settings.


    Lucy JacobusLucy Jacobus
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    Member since: February 25, 2015

    That worked PERFECTLY!  Thank you so much!

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