Theme Check issues

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  • #149077
    Karen CampbellKaren Campbell
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: March 22, 2020

    Hi! I have the Film Maker Pro Theme. When I had the standard version of this theme I had no outstanding issues when I used a plug in theme check, but, when I upgraded to Pro Film Maker, my theme checker finds many issues. Lots of “Warning”, “Required” and other issues. Can you all help me to get these issues straightened out. I would probably need to send you my log in information. I just got the Theme in the last month. Thanks! Karen

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Karen,

    We are listed as WordPress theme developers and commercial authors in and hence many of our free themes are listed on their site with theme check issues passed.

    However theme check issue is just a measure to show whether theme works fine or not. It is not a validation like W3C and XHTML. Hence our pro themes use plugins, and functions which will never work as per theme check and none of the paid themes worldwide do work.

    So this is just a false alarm. No where on our site also did we mention our themes are theme check plugin passed which is not a requirement worldwide either.

    Let us know if you need any other help regarding any functionality or guidance.


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