Support help please

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  • #90729
    Lawrence Chadwick-smithLawrence Chadwick-smith
    • Topics: 110
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    Member since: April 28, 2016


    Not sure what is happening, but I’ve not had any respponse to my queries? I am a paid member and my posts have just gone ignored? Is it possible please to have some help? Its gone on for a few weeks now.


    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly show us your queries?


    Lawrence Chadwick-smithLawrence Chadwick-smith
    • Topics: 110
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    Member since: April 28, 2016

    Thanks Brad – please see below

    I would like some assistance please –

    I am struggling to remove the latin place holder text. I have replaced it with my version of text – but is still stays on the front end!? If you scroll down to “Everything About fitness” you can see how its missing the title and the content text as well – can you help with this please? In the footer as well, the contact details are not aligned – the “phone” bit has gone over to the wrong side? I’ve already sent log in details via privete message. Any queries please ask – I really could do with progressing with this as soon aspkossible!

    Secondly – I would like the top banner bit where the logo is to “disappear” so that the logo just sits on the image banners, if that makes sense?

    I’ve sent log in details before via message!


    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


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