SKT White – Creating a new Icon Code "name" to show "symbol"

Home Forums SKT Black/White Theme Support SKT White – Creating a new Icon Code "name" to show "symbol"

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  • #98223
    • Topics: 4
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    Member since: February 10, 2016

    How or what code do I use to add an icon for social media or image or icon that is not currently set? For example if you view my contact page < >

    I would like to make symbols to work in above section like photo I created below the contact information. The problem is those social media icons are not really social media buttons (because they are my logo instead).

    How do you add other social media icons (or even icons of your brand) in the WP to be active ? example: [social link=”” icon=”facebook”]

    How do you add an “icon” code to know what picture to pull when you set the name (like: facebook) ? I’d like to use my logo as a code for a private FB group or community page.

    I got sent icons code sheet but that is not the solution to my problem. Plus some of the icons still don’t come up in my theme (SKT White). Icon names listed here:

    My website:
    Theme: SKT White


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Valerie,

    We would need to update SKT White with the latest version of font awesome icons and then you can use all the latest ones then.


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