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  • #71516
    michelle goramichelle gora
    • Topics: 24
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    • Total: 101
    Member since: April 15, 2015

    Website in Question

    1. I used the picture in the gallery on the demo site here
    Which said the images were 347×270, but when I upload them to my site part of the picture is cut off???
    They are more rectangle than square

    2. In the Footer how can I hide 2 of the sections for right now? the blank ones (first 2)

    3. How can I make the address and phone number clickable so that when they click on it from their phone it dials the number for them?
    I insert this code in Theme Options but it does’t save
    <i class=”fa fa-phone”></i>(574) 835-5174


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly go to Appearance>>Theme Options>>Basic Settings>>Custom CSS Box:

    Add this code there:

    1. Answer

    #Grid .mix { height:270px !important;}
    #Grid .mix img { min-height:270px;}

    2. Answer

    .widget-column-1, .widget-column-2 { display:none;}

    3. Use this code for clickable phone number

    <a href="tel:(574) 835-5174"><i class=”fa fa-phone”></i>(574) 835-5174</a>


    michelle goramichelle gora
    • Topics: 24
    • Replies: 77
    • Total: 101
    Member since: April 15, 2015

    1. The pics did NOT change size, see pic

    2. I was using the footer tab in options which was not saving but I changed to the widgets
    But how do I make the footer 2 columns instead of 4, instead of just hiding 2 of the columns then it doesn’t look professional
    The zip code is put on a second line as is the email address because the sections aren’t large enough.

    ***NEW question

    How do I remove the View Our Full Gallery Button?

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
    • Replies: 30849
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly go to Appearance>>Theme Options>>Basic Settings>>Custom CSS Box:

    Add this code there:

    #Grid .mix { height:auto !important;}
    #Grid .mix img { min-height:inherit !important; vertical-align:top;}
    .widget-column-1, .widget-column-2 { width:30%;}
    .our-projects .button { display:none;}


    michelle goramichelle gora
    • Topics: 24
    • Replies: 77
    • Total: 101
    Member since: April 15, 2015


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
    • Replies: 30849
    • Total: 30849
    Member since: August 16, 2013


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