SKT Hotel Lite: Latest Post are not shorted, text show completly, no excerpts

Home Forums Hotel Pro SKT Hotel Lite: Latest Post are not shorted, text show completly, no excerpts

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  • #68490
    J. B.J. B.
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: April 8, 2017

    We startet with hotel theme since 3 weeks. Since a view days we got the following behavoir: On the entry main page, the content of the latest post are shown completly and are not shortend (excerpts ).

    Maybe the issue was caused because, I deactivated once the button “Setting -> Read -> Excerpts only”.

    It’s still set to Excerpts only – but the content is shown completly in the footer and the last post section on the entry page.

    Btw… your themes are really great and we tend to buy year package.

    J. B.J. B.
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: April 8, 2017


    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Add a dummy latin text paragraph and check whether it shows full content or not.


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