Set up Woocommerce – Charity Pro

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  • #42110
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    Member since: May 11, 2016

    Hi, do you have any generic info on how to set up Woocommerce on your themes? I’ve got it working in a very basic way, but keep hitting walls. For example, I have a large gap at the top of my page, above the product name, where the theme is obviously expecting the large banner image I have elsewhere on the site, but as there’s no featured image option I can’t see any way of adding it. And a few other queries like this..

    Thanks, Helen

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Helen,

    Kindly go to Pages>>Shop page and edit the page you will find the featured image option there.


    • Topics: 19
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    Member since: May 11, 2016

    Thanks – I see it, but am still having problems. The shop page is completely blank – do you know whether there should be a Woocommerce shortcode there to display the products (I’ve set up a test one).
    Also – the featured image isn’t showing up. Most of my pages are full width, but I want the shop/product pages to have the default template setting with the right sidebar. I’ve used one of my standard full width banner images as I assumed the theme would reduce the size but this is evidently not the case. Do I need to use a different size?

    Thanks, Helen

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Helen,

    Kindly send us your URL of the site and WordPress admin details via

    Please mention this forum URL while replying so that we understand what needs to be done.


    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Helen,

    This issue was resolved from our end. Kindly check and confirm.


    • Topics: 19
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    Member since: May 11, 2016

    Great – thanks very much. I see that you’ve sorted out the shop page, and also the missing banner images. The only thing is that the banner image isn’t the featured image on the Shop page, so I’m not quite sure what’s happened there. I’ll need to update this image periodically so need to know how to do this.
    Can you have a look?
    Thanks, Helen

    • Topics: 19
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    Member since: May 11, 2016

    Right – I’ve just worked out what’s happening. Ref my other query, I see that post innerbanner images are pulling from the Homepage slider Theme Options tab – and that this is also what’s producing the image for the Shop and Product pages – not, as I thought, the Featured Image from the Shop page. Is there any way around this? I’d prefer the Shop and News pages to have different banner images.

    Thanks, Helen

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    For News page you can go to pages>edit news page and select and set featured image there.


    • Topics: 19
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    Member since: May 11, 2016

    Yes, I’ve done that – it’s fine. However, when I set the featured image on the shop page, it doesn’t update – it remains with the image specified in Theme Options>Homepage slider. Is this correct?

    Thanks, Helen

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Kindly send us WordPress admin details will change it via


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