Removing your stock items

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  • #73897
    raymond foresmanraymond foresman
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    Member since: May 30, 2017

    I just purchased this theme – movers packers…and its already driving me insane. Below the slider, where the home section is, there are what appear to be two widgets – one is a contact form which i will edit. But below that is a fake testimonial section – i want that as well as most of the footer stuff gone but it doesn’t show up in the widget section – so i have no idea where that testimonial feed is coming from. And as far as the footer stuff, your “customizable” section does NOT allow me to remove what i don’t want, just to modify it. Please help before i throw my computer through the window.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly show us your website URL so that we can assist further.


    raymond foresmanraymond foresman
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    Member since: May 30, 2017

    well its not live yet…i just started working on it. I have a simple splash page up but you can bypass that. Go to and if you look hard, youll see a little white box right in the center of the page. This was a “go on to site” button that i removed the text from. If you click there it will take you to my page. Basically i modified the slider, added my own menu items, but here are the few issues:

    1: right sidebar below slider. Its all stuff that was in your template and i cannot remove it. It looks like a widget but there are no widgets listed in the widget area. I also see something about testimonials in the “short codes” tab under theme options but all of this is non editable.

    2. the menu is in 3 places…i want to remove it from the very top and very bottom but it will not let me. If i uncheck the menu i created from that area it just puts the default menu there.

    3. The footer MAKES me have the address and phone in those boxes. I either want to remove that completely or put my own things in those boxes. Such as make two boxes address boxes since we have two locations.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    1. Yes it is a widget area called Sidebar Main. If left blank it will display contact form and testimonials by default for theme demo content purpose. You can replace contact form and testimonials by adding your required widgets to Sidebar Main or if you don’t want to display sidebar you can select Full Width template for that page.

    2. To remove very top menu kindly add below code to Custom CSS box located at Appearance » Theme Options » Basic Settings » Custom CSS.

    .topnav{display: none;}

    3. To put your own things on those 3 footer boxes you can use Footer top 3 widgets area. For example if you want to put two address boxes you can add two text widgets and write address in them.


    raymond foresmanraymond foresman
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: May 30, 2017

    ahh thank you. that helped immensely.

    Okay a few more questions – and i apologize if these are rudimentary. Im good with a lot of things but some basic things I am not.

    1. How do I customize the contact form…there is no contact form in dashboard so i would like to keep it and make sure it submits to management. Other themes I work with have had contact form 7 included, but not here, so I cant figure out where the contact form is designed and where the settings for it are.

    2. I am guessing the button you guys had in the nav bar called “request a quote” (i changed to contact us) – in the settings for that (theme options>header) the link box for that button now just has an # in it – do i just change that to “emailto:[email protected]” like in a regular email form?

    3. Id like to keep testimonials – i added one of our own manually, but have a spot where people can write their testimonials. How do I put a box in there that will post the testimonials, but also give people the option to write and submit a testimonial? usually just another contact form…but again, no forms are in the dashboard.

    Thanks for the help…I apologize that i am a moron.

    raymond foresmanraymond foresman
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: May 30, 2017

    oh and one more thing…is it possible to have the testimonials rotate between all of them that are submited instead of just showing the latest one?

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    1. You can only change receiver’s email address and email title in built-in contact form by using this shortcode [contactform to_email=”[email protected]” title=”Contact Form”] for more customization options you can use Contact Form 7 (

    2. Yes, you can change it but it should be mailto: [email protected] not emailto:[email protected]

    3. Kindly use this plugin:

    4. Kindly use this shortcode: [testimonials show="-1"]


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