Remove side bar on the page

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  • #36113
    • Topics: 4
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    Member since: May 27, 2016

    Hi. I have two questions:

    1.) How can I remove the sidebar from the page? I’m ok showing the sidebar on each blog post but I want to remove them from the side of the pages. I want them to be at the bottom so each page will show full width. Before I purchased the theme, I remember seeing that the pro version has 8 page options, but I can’t find that anywhere.

    2.) What is the shortcode to show latest posts of a particular category?

    Thanks a lot.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Maine,

    To remove sidebar there are 2 process.

    1. You go to pages>edit any page and on right hand side under page attributes select template: Full Width and save.
    2. Second way is to go to Appearance>Widgets and drag and drop a new widget in main sidebar to replace what is shown in default on the sidebar.

    Unfortunately you can not show particular category of posts.


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