product main image size

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    Sharan West-RivettSharan West-Rivett
    • Topics: 27
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    Member since: October 24, 2016

    hi guys,
    we would like for the single product image to be smaller.

    the element size is 557 x 557 (ish) – how can I change it to be smaller?
    not sure of the size as yet but for argument sake say 300 x 300.


    thank you for your help! theme is fab!
    ttfn, R

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Hi Sharan,

    Kindly go to Appearance>>Theme Option>>Basic Setting>>Custom CSS Box

    Add this code there:

    .woocommerce div.product div.images img{width:300px !important; height:300px !important;}


    Sharan West-RivettSharan West-Rivett
    • Topics: 27
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    Member since: October 24, 2016

    hi Dave,

    that’s great! thanks.

    i have a question which i am not sure if it is WP or WooCommerce or Bakery theme – once I made the change and saved, it shows on an incognito page but not on a simple new tab even when i do the ‘clear chance and reload’ function on Chrome.
    However on my MacBook Air it shows just fine (I work on Chrome on a Windows with latest Chrome version installed).

    Any suggestion why this is happening?

    thanks, R

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    If you are using any cache plugin then deactivate it and check.


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