Problems with saving the customization of the Theme “The Art”

Home Forums All Other Themes Problems with saving the customization of the Theme “The Art”

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  • #177400
    Francisco Rubén Jorquera VillarroelFrancisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
    • Topics: 43
    • Replies: 111
    • Total: 154
    Member since: December 31, 2020

    The problem arises whether I modify the “original CSS of the theme” or if I use the “Custom CSS” to establish the modifications. In both cases the same thing happens.

    When making a change to the lines:
    477 to 484
    725 to 732
    799 to 806
    912 to 919
    966 to 973
    1162 to 1169
    1436 to 1443
    1496 to 1503
    1527 to 1534
    1582 to 1589
    1691 to 1697
    1719 to 1726

    Which consists of creating the <featured1> tag to the <featured8>

    This tag should modify the highlighted color of the text in the title of the slider.

    While I configure the title text, you can observe the changes correctly:
    <featured1> We </featured1>
    <featured2> Deliver </featured2>
    <featured3> Best </featured3>
    <featured4> Artwork </featured4>
    <featured5> and </featured5>
    <featured6> Paintings </featured6>
    <featured7> Penultimate </featured7>
    <featured8> Last </featured8>

    But when saving the changes, this is reverted in the Slider manager.

    I appreciate your help.



    Modified CSS:!Ai9TXyiKdq5fgqE4VMAfK-yUx7CM_Q?e=OzuaGG

    Francisco Rubén Jorquera VillarroelFrancisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
    • Topics: 43
    • Replies: 111
    • Total: 154
    Member since: December 31, 2020

    I have checked the style.css and in this new version, I added only the lines:

    Line 477: #reply-title featured1 a {color: #000000 !important;}
    Line 478: #reply-title featured2 a {color: #b20606 !important;}
    Line 479: #reply-title featured3 a {color: #e3c226 !important;}
    Line 480: #reply-title featured4 a {color: #1d0765 !important;}
    Line 481: #reply-title featured5 a {color: #e3e2dd !important;}
    Line 482: #reply-title featured6 a {color: #969280 !important;}
    Line 483: #reply-title featured7 a {color: #ffffff !important;}
    Line 484: #reply-title featured8 a {color: #7b0f88 !important;}
    Line 717: .featured_block {display: block;width: auto;margin-right: 0;margin-left: 0; padding: 10%}
    Line 825: .featured_block {display: block;width: 44%; margin-right: 1%;margin-left: 1%;padding: 10% 2%}
    Line 882: .featured_block {width: 44%;margin-right: 6px;margin-left: 6px}
    Line 1130: .slider-main .title featured1 {color: #000000 !important;}
    Line 1131: .slider-main .title featured2 {color: #b20606 !important;}
    Line 1132: .slider-main .title featured3 {color: #e3c226 !important;}
    Line 1133: .slider-main .title featured4 {color: #1d0765 !important;}
    Line 1134: .slider-main .title featured5 {color: #e3e2dd !important;}
    Line 1135: .slider-main .title featured6 {color: #969280 !important;}
    Line 1136: .slider-main .title featured7 {color: #ffffff !important;}
    Line 1137: .slider-main .title featured8 {color: #7b0f88 !important;}
    Line 1404: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured1 {color: #000000 !important;}
    Line 1405: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured2 {color: #b20606 !important;}
    Line 1406: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured3 {color: #e3c226 !important;}
    Line 1407: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured4 {color: #1d0765 !important;}
    Line 1408: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured5 {color: #e3e2dd !important;}
    Line 1409: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured6 {color: #969280 !important;}
    Line 1410: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured7 {color: #ffffff !important;}
    Line 1411: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured8 {color: #7b0f88 !important;}
    Line 1464: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured1 {color: #000000 !important;}
    Line 1465: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured2 {color: #b20606 !important;}
    Line 1466: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured3 {color: #e3c226 !important;}
    Line 1467: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured4 {color: #1d0765 !important;}
    Line 1468: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured5 {color: #e3e2dd !important;}
    Line 1469: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured6 {color: #969280 !important;}
    Line 1470: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured7 {color: #ffffff !important;}
    Line 1471: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured8 {color: #7b0f88 !important;}
    Line 1495: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured1 {color:#000000 !important;}
    Line 1496: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured2 {color:#b20606 !important;}
    Line 1497: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured3 {color:#e3c226 !important;}
    Line 1498: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured4 {color:#1d0765 !important;}
    Line 1499: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured5 {color:#e3e2dd !important;}
    Line 1500: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured6 {color:#969280 !important;}
    Line 1501: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured7 {color:#ffffff !important;}
    Line 1502: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured8 {color:#7b0f88 !important;}
    Line 1550: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured1 {color:#000000 !important;}
    Line 1551: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured2 {color:#b20606 !important;}
    Line 1552: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured3 {color:#e3c226 !important;}
    Line 1553: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured4 {color:#1d0765 !important;}
    Line 1554: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured5 {color:#e3e2dd !important;}
    Line 1555: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured6 {color:#969280 !important;}
    Line 1556: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured7 {color:#ffffff !important;}
    Line 1557: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured8 {color:#7b0f88 !important;}
    Line 1658: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured1 {color:#000000 !important;}
    Line 1659: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured2 {color:#b20606 !important;}
    Line 1660: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured3 {color:#e3c226 !important;}
    Line 1661: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured4 {color:#1d0765 !important;}
    Line 1662: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured5 {color:#e3e2dd !important;}
    Line 1663: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured6 {color:#969280 !important;}
    Line 1664: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured7 {color:#ffffff !important;}
    Line 1665: .portfolio-content .portfolio-area li .image-block-title featured8 {color:#7b0f88 !important;}
    Line 1687: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured1 {color: #000000 !important;}
    Line 1688: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured2 {color: #b20606 !important;}
    Line 1689: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured3 {color: #e3c226 !important;}
    Line 1690: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured4 {color: #1d0765 !important;}
    Line 1691: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured5 {color: #e3e2dd !important;}
    Line 1692: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured6 {color: #969280 !important;}
    Line 1693: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured7 {color: #ffffff !important;}
    Line 1694: .slider-main .nivo-caption .title featured8 {color: #7b0f88 !important;}

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
    • Replies: 31101
    • Total: 31101
    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Sorry, I can’t understand a thing what you are saying.

    Can you send us the screenshot of your issues? Upload your screenshot on and paste the share url here.


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