Posts Page Formatting Not Working

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    Daniel TownsendDaniel Townsend
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: May 3, 2015


    I migrated my website to Lawzo today and am having trouble with the Posts Page.  I can create the page using the available template(s) and everything looks fine.  As soon as I direct the Reading Settings to the new page though the original formatting gets overridden.  Sidebars appear when there shouldn’t be any (and where they shouldn’t be), the home page slider appears and that are not in the original template.  When I try to go back and preview the original page I created in the Pages Menu,  the original formatting is lost.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013


    Here is what you can do: Click on Settings>Readings and set up Show/Your Latest Posts on the top and save the option.

    Thereafter kindly set up blog posts using page templates.

    So this way homepage would be set up as well as blog.

    You can set up other pages as well using page templates for sidebars.


    Daniel TownsendDaniel Townsend
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: May 3, 2015

    Got it.  Thank you.  I didn’t realize the home page should be configured through the Theme Options area and had created my own.  Everything seems to be working now.

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