Pet Care Pro

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  • #93508
    Brian MillsBrian Mills
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: June 25, 2015

    Good Afternoon,

    I was notified of malware on several of my websites over the weekend and have discovered that the initial install of the malware is coming from the PetCare theme install, it is also present in the PetCare child theme.

    I spent countless hours this weekend resolving issues on every site that I host and I am want to make you aware of this issue in hopes that it can be resolved before someone else encounters it.

    Please review all theme files for PetCare and PetCare child theme to insure that everything is safe. You might also consider removing the PetCare download from the site, until the issue is resolved so that no other users are impacted.

    My renewal date is quickly approaching and my renewal will be based on your responsiveness to this issue!


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Website URL please?


    Brian MillsBrian Mills
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: June 25, 2015

    Thank you for the quick response and my sincere apologies for the delay in getting back to you!

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Hi Brian,

    Security of a website does not fall under theme support. Kindly ask hosting to use scanner and use tools like Sucuri etc to avoid getting malware or hack attempts in future.

    Use backup plugins like Vaultpress to keep backups of your website for just $5 per month and to be safer as well.


    Brian MillsBrian Mills
    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 12
    • Total: 19
    Member since: June 25, 2015

    I’m not asking that you scan my site for and remove any malware, as I have already completed those activities.

    I would like for you review the PetCare Pro and PetCare Pro Child themes for the malicious code as that is the source of the malware that I discovered. Focus on the functions.php, post.php files and you will discover that someone has injected malware into the zip files that are offered for download.


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