Organic Theme, Home section 2 code is aligned to left side

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    Leonardo SalazarLeonardo Salazar
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: June 6, 2019

    Hi team,
    in Organic Theme, home section 2 code from documentation is “aligning all to the left” causing an issue with text infront of image.
    The correct way according to demo is: image on the left column, and text in right column.
    Thank you in advance.


    Code for Home Section 2 from documentation:

    [row_area][columns size=”2″] [/columns][columns size=”2″][titlearea align=”left” title=”Welcome to Organic!” titlelast=”” subtitle=”A SMALL STORY ABOUT US” titlecolor=”#60be74″ titlelastcolor=”#392a25″ icon=””]Fusce blandit nisi et purus ullamcorper placerat. Mauris sed nunc lacus. Proin pulvinar eu ipsum nec tincidunt. Cras fermentum lobortis ante. Vivamus in mollis ipsum, a porttitor mi. Curabitur nisl arcu, porta in blandit a, porta vel elit. Fusce feugiat lacus at massa placerat, id posuere sem congue. Maecenas malesuada purus nec congue pharetra.[space height=”20″][listexperience titlecolor=”#282828″ descolor=”#484747″ iconbgcolor=”#60be74″ iconcolor=”#ffffff” icon=”fa fa-leaf” title=”FRIENDLY ORGANIC STORE” description=”Sed scelerisque tincidunt est venenatis laoreet. Nam eget enim velit. ” link=”#”][listexperience titlecolor=”#282828″ descolor=”#484747″ iconbgcolor=”#60be74″ iconcolor=”#ffffff” icon=”fa fa-heart” title=”MOST LOVED PRODUCTS” description=”Sed scelerisque tincidunt est venenatis laoreet. Nam eget enim velit. ” link=”#”][listexperience titlecolor=”#282828″ descolor=”#484747″ iconbgcolor=”#60be74″ iconcolor=”#ffffff” icon=”fa fa-thumbs-up” title=100% SATISFACTION” description=”Sed scelerisque tincidunt est venenatis laoreet. Nam eget enim velit. ” link=”#”][/columns][clear][/row_area]

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Kindly use this plugin


    Leonardo SalazarLeonardo Salazar
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: June 6, 2019

    Guys I checked the plugin and is not what I need,
    What I need is: get the correct code to show image in the left hand side and text in the right hand side.

    The code you attached to the documentation is not working as showed in the demo, please assist.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly use   code in column 2.

    [columns size="2"] [/columns]


    Leonardo SalazarLeonardo Salazar
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: June 6, 2019

    Thanks team.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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