Need help with Gravita Pro set up

Home Forums Gravida Support Need help with Gravita Pro set up

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  • #84301
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    Member since: September 10, 2017


    Monroe Community Players is a small community theater group which has used the Gravita Free template for a year or so. We upgraded to Gravita Pro on 9/10/2017 and we are having a few minor problems that we need help with. Our site’s URL is

    – Every child page somehow has a list of ALL the pages on the site. I’d like to remove that from all child pages

    -Drop down menu font color – need to be black

    – Home feature box graphics need to be square, not with a circle frame.

    – Do not want the first letter of Column 1 header a different color. Such as at the bottom of front page in the footer section i.e.
    Contact MCP and Recent Tweets

    I’m sure all these are easy fixes to experienced coders, but my knowledge of CSS is limited at best.
    Any help is deeply appreciated!

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly go to Appearance >> Customize>>Basic >> Scroll down to find Custom CSS and paste there:

    #topmenu ul.sub-menu li a {color:#000 !important;}
    .featured_block img { border-radius: none !important; -webkit-border-radius: none !important; }
    #sidebar { display:none;}
    .logo > h1 > a > span, #footer .footercols1 h3::first-letter, #footer .footercols2 h3::first-letter, #footer .footercols3 h3::first-letter, #footer .footercols4 h3::first-letter, h1.postitle::first-letter, .single_post_content h1::first-letter, h2.postitle::first-letter { color:#fff !important;}


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