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  • #72015
    Matt TaylorMatt Taylor
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: May 11, 2017

    I have set up “Our Team” and “Testimonials” in the Header Navigation but the rollover state doesn’t stay on once clicked and the content is headed “Archives”, so it is not recognising the page for some reason.
    Please help.

    Best Regards
    Matt Taylor

    P.S. Is there anywhere I can upload screen grabs to show you?

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Matt,

    Kindly show us your website URL so that we can assist further.


    Matt TaylorMatt Taylor
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: May 11, 2017

    Hi Brad
    The website isn’t finished yet so I was reluctant to make the site live.
    However, I have made the site live for this evening only so hopefully someone can look at my issues within the next 10 hours.

    Issues listed below:
    1. The navigation for “Our Team” and “Testimonials” does not stay on once clicked, “About Us” works fine.
    2. Maybe an issue with how the pages are set up for “Our Team” and “Testimonials”?
    3. Homepage, scroll down til you reach the “Obligation Free Quote” section. Once I made the text bigger it now runs into the “Contact Us” button.
    4. Click on “Contact” in the navigation. To the right of the map is an “Bad Request” error message, how do I delete this?

    That’s all.
    Best Regards
    Matt Taylor

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly go to Appearance>>Theme Options>>Basic Settings>>Custom CSS Box:

    Add this code there:

    1. Answer
    Kindly change Testimonials and Our Team page slugs as we have created custom post types of these slugs(testimonials, our-team) in the theme.

    2. Answer

    Kindly check for our team page set up:
    Kindly check for Testimonials page set up:

    3. Answer

    .freeconsultant { position:relative;}
    .freeconsultant a {margin-top: 0; position: absolute; right:30px; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); -moz-transform: translateY(-50%); -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%);}
    .freeconsultant p { width:90%;}

    4. Answer

    .contact_left iframe { display:block !important;}
    .content-area iframe { display:none;}


    Matt TaylorMatt Taylor
    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 2
    • Total: 3
    Member since: May 11, 2017

    Hey Brad
    The quick reply is really appreciated.
    Thank you for your help also. I will work on the changes later tonight.

    Kind Regards
    Matt Taylor

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013



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