Naturo Pro: Changing background for a single page

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  • #88201
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    Member since: November 1, 2017

    I am wondering if there is a way with Naturo Pro to set a background for a specific page when I have a CSS code for a background image for the whole website set in Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS. Basically, at this point in development I want to avoid having to go back and set a background image for every page, as I have many pages. I tried to find CSS code to put in the Additional CSS field but it didn’t work. It appears specifying the page ID is needed, but I don’t know how to get it to work.

    My website:

    There are several pages on which I want a different background image than the one set via CSS. Here is one of them. This is a protected page viewable only via Admin.

    The page ID is 1183, as follows, I think:
    <body class=”page-template page-template-full-width page-template-full-width-php page page-id-1183 logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support”>
    <div class=”header”>

    The image file I want to use for the few, specific pages is:

    If you can give me a CSS code that will work for this theme, and where to put it, that would be helpful. Or, if you need admin access, let me know so I can send you the login credentials.

    [It would be nice to maybe add functionality to the theme/themes to set background for all and for specific pages through a selector for image and specific page(s) — an idea to consider — for those of us like myself who are almost CSS illiterate, but learning :-)]

    Thanks very much for your help as always,

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Can you send us the screenshot of your issues? Upload your screenshot on and paste the share url here.


    • Topics: 22
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    Member since: November 1, 2017

    I resolved this by using div’s. Thanks.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


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