Nature One Pro is giving me a headache

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  • #7137
    Fernando Elizondo BondFernando Elizondo Bond
    • Topics: 3
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    Member since: May 5, 2015

    Please Help!!!   Your theme haves serious issues.

    The featured image for each page works at the bigining but then something gets corrupted and the featured image does not appear anymore.

    This is another installation same problem but with black backgrund on the sub-menu.

    Cant fiend were to over ride that black square .

    Same on this site I´m building with the same theme.

    The featured images still work here but is a matter of time until it stops working.


    Please help otherwise I´m going to need a refund



    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013


    Kindly send us access (WordPress admin details) to either of the 2 sites via email: [email protected]

    We will give it a look.


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