Mobile version ergonomy + Slider loading time

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  • #200073
    Loïc SongoLoïc Songo
    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 6
    Member since: September 24, 2021

    Hello, Hope this message finds you well!

    I saw this topic in the forum but found no answers to the problem but it is to me a pain.

    It’s about more flexibility in mobile version theme of my websites.

    I’ve bought skt all themes packages and in all i have the same problem : the mobile version header of all theme is disporproptionally bigger (logo, layout) and i don’t know how to modify it seperatedly.

    Plus in some themes, the icons are not visible on chrome browser(shows small rectangles crossed) like this website for example :

    Another problem is the loading time for slider which is high (very high for customers who land on website for the first time through ads), is there a way to reduce considerably the loading time of the slider? and of the whole website also if possible.

    I’ll appreciate any help.

    Thanks in advance.

    Loïc SongoLoïc Songo
    • Topics: 2
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    Member since: September 24, 2021

    Another problem i didn’t noticed : On this theme

    Responsive visibility is useless.

    I heve hidden sections like testimonials on all devices (tablets, phone, desktop) but it shows anyway : although when i edit the page it seems like it has been hidden, in live on all devices mine or friends it is visible.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly go to Appearance >> Customize >> Basic >> Scroll down to find Custom CSS and paste there:

    .logo img {
      height: 90px;
      width: auto;
    @media screen and (max-width:767px) {
    .logo img {
      height: 90px !important;
      width: auto !important;
    .elementor-section.elementor-top-section.elementor-element.elementor-element-6713a75.elementor-hidden-desktop.elementor-hidden-tablet.elementor-hidden-mobile.elementor-section-boxed.elementor-section-height-default {
      display: none !important;

    Q. Another problem is the loading time for slider which is high (very high for customers who land on website for the first time through ads), is there a way to reduce considerably the loading time of the slider? and of the whole website also if possible.

    Ans: Kindly use or to reduce sizes and compress all your images and reupload them.

    Lastly kindly use WP Fastest Cache plugin and ask hosting to have Zend Op Cache and PHP Server cache applied to your site or if they have NGINX available get them to use that.

    With all the above steps i am sure your site will be faster. Theme is just part of the entire WordPress website ecosystem and our themes are coded to be faster.

    Rest are all generic points i mentioned here.


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