Mobile Menu Problem

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  • #67373
    • Topics: 33
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    Member since: October 6, 2016

    I am using complete pro and i have 3 problems mentioned below (problems only with mobile/tablet devices):

    1. I have many sub menu under main menu and they all worked well on desktops but when visitor click the main menu on mobile/tablet devices then all menu and their sub-menus automatically visible/open making visitor annoying because where they should show only main menu and upon clicking sub menu should show.

    2. Woocommerce enabled and products show well but related and cross sell products behave very strange and show up very small product images and their title as well (this problem happens ONLY when visiting the website in the vertical mode).

    3. Header and footer are not centered on mobile devices.

    Please have a look on these problems on mobile devices to have a good understanding and let me know the best solution.

    I am sending you the URL in the message.



    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Hi Saqib,

    First of all as written in our terms and conditions you cannot host the demo of the themes nor the website themes as your own and sell them directly.

    That cannot be done.

    You can use the themes to design and develop websites for clients but cannot sell the themes as it is as your own.

    We want you to immediately remove all the references of our themes from your website. You can create your own designs using them and can showcase them to your clients but same as it is with full demo and selling them as your own is NOT ALLOWED.

    Kindly remove them:


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