List of icons for feature box

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  • #102767
    Anthony DidsburyAnthony Didsbury
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    Member since: March 5, 2018

    I am using hosting theme. When I try and change the icons in the feature boxes they disappear. I have tried using the font-awesome icons but get nothing. I have also tried searching for feature icons with no luck. Is there a repository where I can access all the available icons. The online user manual mentions nothing on where I can look these up.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Can you send us the screenshot of your issues? Upload your screenshot on and paste the share url here.


    Anthony DidsburyAnthony Didsbury
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    here you go, the actual section is from Section 3 on the front page in appearance of SKT theme : Hosting

    Anthony DidsburyAnthony Didsbury
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    Member since: March 5, 2018

    heres the code used :

    [space height="28"] [centertitle text="WHAT MAKES SWIFT HOSTS " textlast="PERFECT?" titlecolor="#252525" textlastcolor="#92D202"] [space height="22"] [features columns="3"] [feature icon="rocket" iconcolor="#222222" titlecolor="#222222" descriptioncolor="#888888" bgcolor="#fff" bordercolor="#dcdbdb" link="#" title="UNLIMITED EVERYTHING" description="Host unlimited databases, email and data for your sites. You can have as many domains as you like."] [feature icon="download" iconcolor="#222222" titlecolor="#222222" descriptioncolor="#888888" bgcolor="#fff" bordercolor="#dcdbdb" link="#" title="SpamEXPERTS PROTECTION" description="SpamExperts provides an average 99.98% email filtering accuracy helping keep unwanted mails from reaching your inbox."] [feature icon="database" iconcolor="#222222" titlecolor="#222222" descriptioncolor="#888888" bgcolor="#fff" bordercolor="#dcdbdb" link="#" title="FREE SSL CERTIFICATE" description="Free SSL certificate with Let's Encrypt for all websites managed under your hosting package."] [feature icon="lock" iconcolor="#222222" titlecolor="#222222" descriptioncolor="#888888" bgcolor="#fff" bordercolor="#dcdbdb" link="#" title="99.9% UPTIME" description="Our multi-carrier network is fully diverse & high capacity. This guarantees your site will be online over 99.9%"] [feature icon="envelope" iconcolor="#222222" titlecolor="#222222" descriptioncolor="#888888" bgcolor="#fff" bordercolor="#dcdbdb" link="#" title="FREE EMAIL" description="Up to 10 email addresses with the standard account and unlimited emails for the ultimate account."] [feature icon="clock-o" iconcolor="#222222" titlecolor="#222222" descriptioncolor="#888888" bgcolor="#fff" bordercolor="#dcdbdb" link="#" title="CLOUDLINUX CPANEL" description="Cloudlinux offers a greater level of server stability, advanced server security and increased server efficiency."] [feature icon="tachometer" iconcolor="#222222" titlecolor="#222222" descriptioncolor="#888888" bgcolor="#fff" bordercolor="#dcdbdb" link="#" title="100% ENTERPRISE GRADE SSD" description="Enterprise grade SSDs are ideal for businesses looking for reliable & long-lasting storage that will outpace any HDD"] [feature icon="cog" iconcolor="#222222" titlecolor="#222222" descriptioncolor="#888888" bgcolor="#fff" bordercolor="#dcdbdb" link="#" title="APPS & CMS" description="Install over 100 great applications including WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal and much more in one click!"] [feature icon="usd" iconcolor="#222222" titlecolor="#222222" descriptioncolor="#888888" bgcolor="#fff" bordercolor="#dcdbdb" link="#" title="1,000Gbps DDoS PROTECTION" description="Our advanced DDoS protection is provided absolutely FREE on your hosting account to help mitigate unwanted traffic spikes."] [/features] [space height="20"]

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    This is font Awesome Icons.

    If you want to change. kindly use icon name in shortcodes. whatever you want.


    Anthony DidsburyAnthony Didsbury
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    Member since: March 5, 2018

    got it to work…. I had to put the link relative in the head of the page code

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-lKuwvrZot6UHsBSfcMvOkWwlCMgc0TaWr+30HWe3a4ltaBwTZhyTEggF5tJv8tbt" crossorigin="anonymous">

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


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