latest blog loading into sections

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  • #36450
    Corey PiscopoCorey Piscopo
    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 2
    • Total: 3
    Member since: May 21, 2015

    I need help figuring out why my latest blog post is loading into all sections on my main page instead of showing the correct section content? Theme is SKT White Pro. Also can I download the original theme files and upload just the index.php to try correcting?


    Corey PiscopoCorey Piscopo
    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 2
    • Total: 3
    Member since: May 21, 2015

    Solved: Plugin conflict with PageBuilder, problem fixed with removal of plugin.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    • Total: 30849
    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Okay Great 🙂


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