large blanks block shows on pages 2 – x (non home pages)

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  • #210200
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    Member since: November 27, 2017

    i updated all my websites software – plugins for sure, was there a theme update too (it was last month – my web dev dude has been trying to reach you about this for weeks now)
    then i tested it, and on all sub home pages, there appears a large blank spot, maybe where the homepage slider is?
    not sure how or why it happens?
    i did try to turn object caching off too – not sure if this does anything for this problem – but i just thought it might!
    let me know what you think
    thanks in advance for your help on this

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Unfortunately your theme subscription has expired.

    Kindly re-purchase the theme from this link:

    Even though the design might have been changed as part of the new theme however you still get support and updates for old theme as part of the purchase.


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    Member since: November 27, 2017

    chris – thanks for your timely reply
    full disclosure – this is not the buyer of your theme, but his support dude
    it’s been years since we bought your theme and no problems with it, until now
    i thought when he bought it, there was maybe a lifetime subscription?
    was that an option back then – is it now?
    based upon your reply, we will proceed accordingly and pay up if need be – then get this fixed
    thanks again

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    kindly purchase Lifetime single theme subscription:


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    Member since: November 27, 2017

    ok, thanks for that
    so . . . i will provide the client the links as per above
    get out of his IS/pw
    i assume he will go lifetime – sometime today – he is dentist and is working now
    bottom line he will pay for something and get that done
    then by tomorrow AM, i will get back in on this ticket and we can proceed to fix this

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    Member since: November 27, 2017

    caught a break – between patients this AM – bought the lifetime subscription
    please proceed now – lemme know what else you need
    i will check in periodically
    just trying to help – my clients says he got no notification that the yearly was due – but i get that all the time
    to be honest, your prices are VERY FAIR

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly go to Appearance >> Customize >> Basic >> Scroll down to find Custom CSS and paste there:

    .innerbanner {
      height: 50px;
      overflow: hidden;
    @media screen and (max-width:479px) {
    .content-area { padding-top: 25px;}
    @media screen and (min-width:1024px) and (max-width:1169px) {
    .header .header-inner .nav ul li a { padding: 18px 27px;}


    • Topics: 2
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    Member since: November 27, 2017

    well, that will do it!
    nice job!
    thank you on behalf of myself and my client

    i do have questions:
    a – what was the root cause of this error?
    b – will a subsequent release of the theme update it/fix it as per above?
    c – and if so above, then do i remove it the custom CSS? – i realize i won’t have to, but i like to keep a clean house too!
    d – when we purchased the one year support, and now with the lifetime, do i continue to just use the normal WP updates process for your theme, or should i be updating it from your site (i have had other purchased themes for clients that i had to do the latter)
    e – am i fine to turn back on object caching again?

    i will go to the WP repository for this theme and give you (another?) 5 stars, after you reply to the above

    have a wonderful day

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