Images do not show (gray box) in SKT High Tech Pro

Home Forums SKT Black/White Theme Support Images do not show (gray box) in SKT High Tech Pro

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  • #7196
    Faith SpinelliFaith Spinelli
    • Topics: 23
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    Member since: June 24, 2014


    In my instance with WP 4.2.2, using the theme “SKT High Tech Pro”; it appears I am loading the images into media or photo gallery – however, it shows only a gray box once done uploading.

    So far I have:

    De-activated all plug-ins.  Then re-activated them.
    Uninstalled and re-installed the theme via FTP and via WordPress’ upload, twice each.
    Clicked on the image’s “attach” but there is nothing to “attach” the logo to.  I’m trying to load up the logo (png) and (jpg) and (gif.)
    I loaded the logos FTP and WordPress’ file upload option, too.

    There isn’t much of a a site to see at the moment but here it is:

    I’m baffled.

    I would greatly appreciate your help!

    Please and thank you.


    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    HI Faith,

    Can’t see the site. It says Err name not resolved or SSL error. I think it is blocked for others to see. I am in India by the way.


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