I'm not able to replace your background picture in the front menu

Home Forums SKT Black/White Theme Support I'm not able to replace your background picture in the front menu

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    roland diazroland diaz
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    Member since: September 13, 2015

    I am having an terrible time changing the background picture in the home page slider, When I replace the background picture with one of mine, half of your picture overlaps mine, I re-downloaded and installed the theme 3 times with no luck, Also I’m not getting the entire “front page”, I get the 3 pictures with the 2 buttons then the contact page.

    Here’s a screen shot of the problems, Help!!, I have already wasted so much time dealing with this.

    I restored your theme to default, nothing, same problem.

    Please help me with this or tell me about your refund policy.


    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Hi Roland,

    Answered you via email.


    Victoria SampahVictoria Sampah
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    Member since: November 4, 2015

    I am having the same problems changing the background slide images and I also cannot change the name of the website itself; Right now it is saying Restaurant and Cafe
    Also, I bought the Pro Version, if that helps at all.

    email: [email protected]

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013


    The name of the website can be changed via Settings>Readings.

    The images can be changed via Appearance>theme Options>Homepage Slider.

    You can access documentation here: http://sktthemesdemo.net/documentation/skt-restaurant-doc/

    Click on Homepage Set up from the left and then scroll down on the right to check how everything is set up.


    Victoria SampahVictoria Sampah
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    Member since: November 4, 2015

    I need help with a lot more cutomization. can I have a number to call?
    I will pay for it.
    I need this urgently
    [email protected]

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013


    Actually we are in India and we have Diwali (festival of lights) starting from tomorrow. Currently we won’t be able to pick up any new projects until 16th of November.

    Although we will continue to provide support we won’t be able to do much work apart from that during these holidays.


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