How to Remove Feature Picture From Blog

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  • #25174
    Kyle MurpheyKyle Murphey
    • Topics: 8
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    Member since: September 1, 2015


    I’m trying to remove the Featured Picture from my Blog post. I want to keep attributed to the post so it shows up in the post listing like this:

    But I do not want the super large picture that shows up at the top of the actual posts like this:

    Also, why are all of the blog posts left justified like there’s a sidebar, when I have “Blog, No Sidebar” selected?

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Kyle,

    Kindly go to Appereance>>Theme Option>>Basic Setting>>Custom CSS Box

    Add this code:

    article img{display:none;}

    Kindly use template “Full width” page template if you want full width page content.


    Kyle MurpheyKyle Murphey
    • Topics: 8
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    Member since: September 1, 2015

    Ok. Thanks. That fixed the picture at the top of the blog post. However, selecting Full width page template does not change anything. If you use the link above you’ll see that the blog posts are still left justified for some reason.

    Kyle MurpheyKyle Murphey
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    Member since: September 1, 2015

    I still need help.

    While at first I thought that the CSS short code you provided “article img{display:none;}” worked flawlessly, it did not. It did remove the feature image from the top of the blog posts, but it also removed random photos from my Pages as well.

    Is there a better code I can put into my Custom CSS box? Or a code I can delete in the Editor?

    Also, I still have no solution to my other blog issue. No matter what option I choose under Appearance > Theme Options > Basic Settings the blog remains left justified as seen below:

    Can I please have some kind of communication for this issue?

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Kyle,

    Kindly use this plugin:

    After installing this plugin you will find the hide featured image option on the posts just below the “Set featured image” box.


    Kyle MurpheyKyle Murphey
    • Topics: 8
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    Member since: September 1, 2015


    Thank you for your prompt response. That option worked for me, and I do not see any errors on any other pages. So thank you for that resolution.

    Is there any idea as to how to resolve my other issue?

    Thank you again,
    Kyle Murphey

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Kyle,

    Yes sure, did you created a topic for your issues?


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