How do I update old theme pro 1 to new version for wordpress 5.6

Home Forums All Other Themes How do I update old theme pro 1 to new version for wordpress 5.6

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  • #174514
    Tracey KinchellaTracey Kinchella
    • Topics: 13
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    Member since: June 23, 2017


    I have never done this before and I have several websites using SKT themes but all using the older Pro 1 version and the older wordpress.
    I now need to update the SKT theme to the new version (pro 4 I think) before I can update the wordpress.

    Please advise how I go about installing the new updated theme over the top of the old theme (same theme) before I can update wordpress.
    Are there instructions anywhere in support please for this process and if so please can you point me to them.

    My problem at the moment is I have created a new page using the SKT Pottery theme and although I can click in to the page via the top menu, once in the page I cannot click out of it as the menu links are not highlighting so I thought it might be to do with an old version of the theme / wordpress

    Kind regards


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Replied via email.


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