Home page messed up

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  • #174349
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    Member since: February 5, 2021


    While configuring the Healing Touch template for the first time I tested and changed a few options and now my home page is messed up. The top and slider look good but everything beneath the slider is aligned to the left and lost all the nice original formatting. I have reset the template with no luck. I could remove and reinstall it but I would like to understand what happened to avoid this issue again.

    Thanks for the help!

    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: February 5, 2021

    Well, I fixed it by myself. Basically I reset the template then edited the page with Elementor instead of using the WP editor and that fixed the page style. Posting in here to (hopefully) help others.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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