Gallery and Events Malfunction on Education Theme

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    Ufuoma EmerhorUfuoma Emerhor
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    Member since: June 17, 2015

    Hi, I am using the Education theme to build a new site via I am experiencing the same challenge with the WordPress Gallery that I have experienced with your other themes, where the gallery pictures I add are overwritten by what is on the theme’s gallery. Please, I would like to create galleries with WordPress as well. Consider amending your SKT Builder or your themes, so that they do not by default override this normal functionality of WordPress.

    The other issue is with SKT EVENTS on the Education Theme. It isn’t working! I have two events I created, but the message on my homepage is:

    “Sorry, Event isn’t available right now”

    I’d really appreciate if this could be fixed, because it was one of the reasons I choose the theme.

    The site is on maintenance mode, if you need login access, I’ll be happy to share, thanks!

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Kindly send us your URL of the site and WordPress admin details (Username & Password) via email: [email protected] Please mention this forum URL while replying so that we understand what needs to be done.

    We’ll check and revert back to you.


    Ufuoma EmerhorUfuoma Emerhor
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    Thank you! I’ve created the admin account and sent the info to your email.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    1. Done

    2. Your events are expired. So it’s not visible after the expired.


    Ufuoma EmerhorUfuoma Emerhor
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    Seen! Thanks for your help.

    Ufuoma EmerhorUfuoma Emerhor
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    Hi, Chris,

    I am still experiencing challenges with the Gallery functionality. When I put images in the gallery, I can’t control how they look; if they will be in a slideshow, tiled mosiac, circles, thumbnail arrangement etc. This is the same with my other sites, and I’ve been managing it, though I don’t like it.

    But the unique issue I am experiencing with this site is that when I click on an image in the gallery from the frontend, it opens the attachment page on the same tab, instead of starting a carousel, like it should. I don’t want the attachment page to load, and I have manually set it so that the attachment pages do not load when people click on the images. Still it continues to happen, meaning that I am not actually able to manipulate the gallery. The main problem with the attachment page loading on the same tab is that someone might just close the tab, and then they would have closed the site unknowingly. And it would be frustrating to open the site again to keep looking through the images.

    I really want to have the ability to manipulate the gallery, and actually liked the tiled mosiac arrangement WordPress offers. So far, I am forced to create several galleries on the same page to accommodate images with different dimensions. This is quite stressful and annoying. I would really appreciate a resolution to this problem. Thank you.

    Sincerely, Ufuoma.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Can you send us the screenshot of your issues? Upload your screenshot on and paste the share url here.


    Ufuoma EmerhorUfuoma Emerhor
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    Please find a screenshot here:

    You can actually view the gallery page at

    The images are not aligned well, and there’s lots of gaps. The site is live for preview.

    Sincerely, Ufuoma.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    This is done


    Ufuoma EmerhorUfuoma Emerhor
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    Hi Chris,

    Good afternoon. This hasn’t been fixed. The only change is the visual, where the photos have all been cropped the same, and for the portrait photos, we are missing the second half of the picture. This isn’t ideal.

    Also, when you click on the picture, you don’t get the carousel diaplay, showing the full picture with the chance to browse the others, the image opens up in the same tab, which was one of the things I reported that I didn’t want to happen and want to be able to manipulate. If it must open to the attachment page, it should be in a new tab at least.

    I am also still not able to choose tiled mosiac, gallery, thumbnail or circle views. The only thing I can control appears to be the number of rows in my gallery. I’m quite unhappy about this.

    Please, help me resolve all these things once and for all.

    Sincerely, Ufuoma.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Kindly use the same size for all gallery images


    Ufuoma EmerhorUfuoma Emerhor
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    Hi Chris,

    Well, that’s what I was doing, and it’s extra work, which is why I wanted to know if you could help me resolve the conflict with the WordPress Gallery and your themes.

    Even still, you haven’t addressed the issue about the images not showing in carousel and instead opening on the same tab, as a full-image that is downloadable. I really need that to stop. When people click on the images in the gallery, it should display a carousel, and if they decide to click to view the full image, it should open in a new tab.

    My current gallery ( has all the images the same size, and it looks good on my laptop. However, on my phone, it looks awful! The pictures are all squashed together. Is there anything you can do about that please?

    This is a screenshot I took:

    Thanks for your help.

    Ufuoma EmerhorUfuoma Emerhor
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    Hi, it’s been about two weeks, and I haven’t hard a response to my last post. Please kindly get back to me about it. Sincerely, Ufuoma.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Ufuoma,

    Sorry for the delay.

    Kindly go to Appearance >> Customize >> Basic >> Scroll down to find Custom CSS and paste there:

    @media screen and ((max-width:479px) {
    #gallery-1 .gallery-item { width:100% !important;}


    Ufuoma EmerhorUfuoma Emerhor
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    Thank you! It looks better.

    Is there no solution to this:

    “Even still, you haven’t addressed the issue about the images not showing in carousel and instead opening on the same tab, as a full-image that is downloadable. I really need that to stop. When people click on the images in the gallery, it should display a carousel, and if they decide to click to view the full image, it should open in a new tab.”

    It’s still a problem.

    Sincerely, Ufuoma.

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