Formatting Team member info and Testimonials

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  • #170665
    Robert GianfeliceRobert Gianfelice
    • Topics: 2
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    Member since: October 20, 2020

    Currently using the SKT Parallax Me Pro theme

    1. I need to remove the brackets that appear around the Team member designation, see demo:

    Currently displays the designation with brackets (President)
    I wish to display the designation only President

    Which php page is used for the Team members?

    2. Testimonials randomly display the company name and designation for each Testimonial, I would like to always show the Company name and designation and hide the Image. I am already hiding the Testimonial image and using the full width to show the Tesimonial text only with this custom CSS:
    .testimonial-image { display:none}
    .testimonilacontent { width:95%}
    .bx-viewport {height:300px;}

    Could this css be the cause for the company name and designation appearing randomly?

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    1. I need to remove the brackets that appear around the Team member designation?

    Ans: Kindly go to sktframe >> core-function.php >> line number 599 >> replace this code:

    $ourtm .= ''.($designation!='') ? '<h4>'.$designation.'</h4>' : ''.'';

    2. Testimonials randomly display the company name and designation for each Testimonial, I would like to always show the Company name and designation and hide the Image. I am already hiding the Testimonial image and using the full width to show the Tesimonial text only with this custom CSS:

    Ans: I am not sure what you mean by this. Can you may be draw or point out in an image?

    You can upload image in and share the link here.


    Robert GianfeliceRobert Gianfelice
    • Topics: 2
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    Member since: October 20, 2020

    Hi, thanks for your help.

    I changed the line 599, but the () still appears around the designation on this page
    The html for this page is as follows:
    <!–POST START–>
    <div class=”single_post_content”>
    <h1 class=”postitle entry-title”>Stefanie Rochford</h1><span>(President)</span>

    This is the page that loads after you click the image of the Team member on the homepage, I need to remove the () around the designation. It is not in the core-function.php, is there another page that controls the Team member expanded page?

    2. Regarding the Testimonials:
    How do I increase the height of the Testimonial pane so I can ensure the page will always display the name and designation?
    How to I hide the Testimonial image? I am using this CSS >> .testimonial-image { display:none}
    How do I have the Testimonial text fill the full width of the pane? I am using this CSS .testimonilacontent { width:95%}


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    1. Please send us your WordPress credentials to [email protected] Please mention this forum URL while replying so that we understand what needs to be done.

    We will solve this issue directly on your server.


    Robert GianfeliceRobert Gianfelice
    • Topics: 2
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    Member since: October 20, 2020

    I found it myself, the php file (single-team.php) in the Theme root folder, line 29
    I replaced <h1 class=”postitle entry-title”><?php the_title(); ?></h1><span>(<?php echo $designation; ?>)</span>
    with <h1 class=”postitle entry-title”><?php the_title(); ?></h1><span><?php echo $designation; ?></span>

    Can you tell me the CSS to increase the height of the viewing pane for the Testimonials on this page?

    When I have a long Testimonial, sometimes the persons name, and designation do not appear in the pane


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    We added long Testimonial for checking, and it is working fine. persons name, and designation are appeared.

    See screenshot;


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