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  • #140004
    Steven ShepherdSteven Shepherd
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: November 18, 2019

    Using Filmmaker theme, I wanted to use HOME > LATEST NEWS block and when I select it, it just shows the short code on the page. I removed the block because it doesn’t look right but the website I’m using is

    Steven ShepherdSteven Shepherd
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    Member since: November 18, 2019


    Steven ShepherdSteven Shepherd
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    Member since: November 18, 2019


    Steven ShepherdSteven Shepherd
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: November 18, 2019

    I was able to get LATEST NEWS to work on my site. Is there a way to make those LATEST NEWS items smaller?

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly go to Appearance >> Customize >> Basic >> Scroll down to find Custom CSS and paste there:

    .post-style4-thumb { max-width:320px; margin-bottom:40px;}
    .post-style4-thumb .post-style4-thumb-border { width:320px; height:320px;}
    .post-style4-box { padding-left:350px;}
    .post-style4-content { padding:40px; margin-top:40px; min-height:320px;}
    .post-style4-box { min-height:360px;}
    .post-style4-box:nth-child(2n) { padding-right:347px;}
    .post-style4-box:nth-child(2n) .post-style4-content { padding:40px;}


    Steven ShepherdSteven Shepherd
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: November 18, 2019

    Thank you.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    If you found our service good kindly review us here:


    Steven ShepherdSteven Shepherd
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: November 18, 2019

    I sure will! One other question, the button on the slider on the front page. Is there a CSS I can use to move it up and down on the image so I’m not covering text?

    Steven ShepherdSteven Shepherd
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: November 18, 2019

    May as well ask if I can move it left and right as well.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013


    Kindly go to Appearance » Theme Options » Basic Settings » Custom CSS and paste below code there:

    .slidebtn a {
    position: relative;
    top: 10px;
    left: 10px;


    Steven ShepherdSteven Shepherd
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: November 18, 2019

    Thanks. So, to reposition, the greater the number, the more it moves in that direction?

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    I can’t understand a thing what you are saying. Can you send us the screenshot of your issues? Upload your screenshot on and paste the share url here.


    Steven ShepherdSteven Shepherd
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: November 18, 2019

    I figured that one out. I’m sorry. I do have a couple of more questions.

    1. The post title font. I have tried to change it in the customizer. It changes, but when I publish, it goes back to the original font and size. It’s the squished font (not sure the name of it) used for the title of a post. Here is an example:

    If you scrolled to the latest news and click on any of the news items, you will see.

    2. At that same web site, there is a boarder around the HOME items I have placed on the front page. Is there a way to make that border smaller?

    3. Should be my last question. I placed a background image for Christmas, but when I view an individual post, the background is seen behind the text of that post making the post unreadable. (I’ve since removed the background, but wanted to bring it back.)

    Hopefully, these will be the last of my questions. I appreciate all of your help with this project.

    Steven ShepherdSteven Shepherd
    • Topics: 7
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    • Total: 43
    Member since: November 18, 2019

    Sorry, for some reason it erased my web page link. It’s

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    1. The post title font. I have tried to change it in the customizer. It changes, but when I publish, it goes back to the original font and size. It’s the squished font (not sure the name of it) used for the title of a post. Here is an example:

    Ans: Kindly go to Appearance » Theme Options » Basic Settings » Custom CSS and paste below code there:

    .single_post .postitle {
        font-family: arial !important;
        font-size: 35px !important;
        line-height: 43px !important;

    2. At that same web site, there is a boarder around the HOME items I have placed on the front page. Is there a way to make that border smaller?

    3. Should be my last question. I placed a background image for Christmas, but when I view an individual post, the background is seen behind the text of that post making the post unreadable. (I’ve since removed the background, but wanted to bring it back.)

    Ans: Can you send us the screenshot of your issues? Upload your screenshot on and paste the share url here.


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