Filmmaker theme: homepage problems

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    Julien BedereJulien Bedere
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    Member since: June 4, 2020

    website URL:

    SKT theme:

    I would like to make several changes on my website, and I didn’t manage to do it myself.
    Can you please help me?
    There are several questions, Tell me if it’s better to delete this post and create 1 post for each question.
    Oh and I’m french so my website is written in french.

    1/I would like to cancel existing menu buttons and replace them with buttons leading to each block of the homepage (in other words, I want that clicking on one menu button scrolls the homepage to the matching block). Can I do that? and how?

    2/On “services” and “compétences” blocks of homepage, the pictures are clickable and lead to the top of the homepage when you click on them. I don’t want that. I want the pictures to be not clickable, if it’s possible. How cas I do that?

    3/On block “mes vidéos” I have 3 demands.
    1: How can I rename the main section button “ALL”? I didn’t find how in my gallery settings.I found how for the other buttons, but not for the main one.
    2: When I click on the others section buttons, that leads to the top of the homepage, instead of showing the gallery categories. How can I fix that?
    3: My videos are Youtube URLs. Is that possible to play them into a Youtube box integrated inside my website, instead of leaving my website and play them on Youtube? I really would like the videos to play inside my website.

    4/In the footer section of SKT builder, I cannot activate the “footer info box”. In the settings, the button “mask this section” is on, and it’s locked. I can’t click on it to unmask the section, and then show the “footer info box”. How can I fix this?

    thank you,


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Given website URL isn’t clickable. Therefore we are unable to check the issue.


    Julien BedereJulien Bedere
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    I dont understand why it didn’t work. each time I write it the URL turns into “mes vidéos”.
    Anyway, here is my website URL. I’m chopping it in 2 parts to avoid this weird problem:


    Thank you,


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Kindly send us your URL of the site and WordPress admin details (Username & Password) via email:[email protected] Please mention this forum URL while replying so that we understand what needs to be done.

    We’ll check and revert back to you.


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Issue have been resolved. Kindly check and confirm.

    If you want to create custom menu? Kindly refer this documentation link below.


    Julien BedereJulien Bedere
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    Thanks a lot for your help.
    Some issues remains though.

    -I tried to create custom menu buttons linked to each page sections, but the “custom ID” box appears only on the section “Julien Bédère – Vidéaste” showing on the screenshot you sent me. “custom ID” box doesn’t appears on the other sections. Can you make it show on each section?

    -On “mes vidéos” homepage section, the changes are correct but the first thumbnail “TOUTE” is misspelled. It should have been “TOUT” (witch means “ALL” in french). Can you correct this or tell me how to?
    Also my videos are Youtube URLs. Is that possible to play them into a Youtube box integrated inside my website, instead of leaving my website and play them on Youtube? I really would like the videos to play inside my website.

    -On “compétences” homepage section, the icons are still clickable and they bring to the top of homepage, witch makes no sense. I don’t want that. Can you make those icons non-clickable or tell me how to do so?

    Thank you again,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Whatever was possible has been done complete.

    Julien BedereJulien Bedere
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    Hello Shri S,

    thank you a lot, that’s really great!

    I have a new problem. I cannot add Youtube links into the galleries or the sliders. On WordPress dashboard I go to video sliders>manage sliders>edit>add youtube.
    A “add youtube video” window pop-up. I paste my youtube link in here, and press “ok”. Then the second window appears and the first line “enter video URL” is already filled up. Thumbnail and poster image too. I press the button “enter” on the “enter video URL” line. Then it comes back to the first “add youtube video”. I can’t find out how to validate, it always comes back to step 1.

    Also I’m working again on the homepage sections. Once I’ll be done I’d like to link them to the menu buttons just like you already did. In the menu settings of WordPress dashboard, I saw you created menus with customized links like for exemple: “#skt-builder-home-section3-block-218”. Where can I find this section name/ID on my new sections? Please tell me where I can find those sections/blocks links, so I could manage new menus by myself.



    Julien BedereJulien Bedere
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    You didn’t answer my last message I posted 12 days ago.
    Could you please answer me, I only have those 2 problems left to finish my website.
    1/ can’t add Youtube links into galleries
    2/ how to find section ID for custom menu.
    Details in my previous message.

    Thank you very much,


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Kindly refer these links how to add videos and gallery.



    How to find section ID for custom menu.


    Julien BedereJulien Bedere
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    Thanks a lot for your help. Problem adding videos in “mes videos” as been solved. Problem finding homepage block ID for custom menu as been solved.

    Yet I still have a problem for adding Youtube links into the gallery.
    I checked your last advice but it didn’t solved the problem.
    I sent you an email with screenshots so you can see what I mean.
    Whether I use “add youtube” or “edit” on the demo video, the problem is the same:
    I click on “add youtube”. A window pops up. I paste my youtube link and press “ok”. A second window pops up. I press “enter” and it comes back to first window.
    I looked around but I couldn’t find any kind of “save and publish” button. And I can’t close those windows. I had to press the previous button of my navigator to come back to the gallery manager screen.
    I tried it using Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
    My WordPress is up to date and seems to be fine.
    I don’t understand, can you check this out and help me please?

    Thank you,

    Julien BedereJulien Bedere
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    It’s been 20 days since I told you I can’t add youtube links into my video gallery ([tube_slider id=2]).
    Once I paste my youtube link, I cannot find any button to validate/save the link.
    The problem remains and you didn’t answered my last message.
    I’m looking forward for your help, for it’s the last problem left for finishing the building of my website.
    Can you please help me? It would be very kind.

    Here’s once again the details:
    I sent you an email with screenshots so you can see what I mean.
    Whether I use “add youtube” or “edit” on the demo video, the problem is the same:
    I click on “add youtube”. A window pops up. I paste my youtube link and press “ok”. A second window pops up. I press “enter” and it comes back to first window.
    I looked around but I couldn’t find any kind of “save and publish” button. And I can’t close those windows. I had to press the previous button of my navigator to come back to the gallery manager screen.
    I tried it using Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
    My WordPress is up to date and seems to be fine.
    I don’t understand, can you check this out and help me please?


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Kindly use this plugin for video slider.

    Hope this help you.


    Julien BedereJulien Bedere
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    Hello Dave,

    Thank you for your answer. Does that means that the video gallery included with the theme is broken?
    Anyway I’ll try the slider you suggested me.

    Thanks for your help,


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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