Elastic Pro Theme – footer formatting

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  • #186057
    Courtney ClineCourtney Cline
    • Topics: 34
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    Member since: January 10, 2017


    I am using your Elastic Pro Theme on my website at https://centralohiowarehouse.com/. I have changed the font throughout the site to Playfair Display; however, somehow the font in the footer info box titles has not changed. I tried inserting the following code into the Custom CSS code box:

    #footer .contact-info .box h5 {
    font-family: Playfair Display !important;

    And I have even gone into the the theme itself and edited the section of code in the Stylesheet from:

    #footer .contact-info .box h5 {
    font: 400 15px Lato,sans-serif;


    #footer .contact-info .box h5 {
    font:400 15px Playfair Display;

    But the front end of the website still displays the Lato font.

    I have the same issue with changing the font size in the footer info box paragraph (i.e., #footer .contact-info .box p) from 14px to 15px and adjusting the font weight in the logo section from 700 to 500 – it doesn’t matter that I put the code in the Custom CSS box or that I changed the code in the theme itself, the changes don’t take effect.

    Please help.



    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    We checked, Playfair Display font is display in footer info box title.

    Can you send us the screenshot of your issues? Upload your screenshot on https://imgbb.com/ and paste the share url here.


    Courtney ClineCourtney Cline
    • Topics: 34
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    Member since: January 10, 2017

    Weird…it must be some kind of update delay on my server. Because I went to the site on several browsers just now and saw the font as you did (the way I intended it, even though it was not like that immediately after I made the changes yesterday), but, then I updated the font size in the footer info box paragraph (i.e., #footer .contact-info .box p) from 15px back to 14px, but I don’t see the change. Perhaps it will be there in a few hours…

    Thank you for your assistance either way. Have a great day!

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Cool 🙂

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