Disable Hover-Pause on front page slider (Adventure Theme)

Home Forums All Other Themes Disable Hover-Pause on front page slider (Adventure Theme)

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  • #87082
    • Topics: 6
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    Member since: August 14, 2017

    Hi! By default the front page slider on the Adventure theme pauses when the mouse overs over one of the images, which is not desirable, as the slider covers the whole of the screen.

    How can I disable this? There is no option in the slider menu/section.

    Thank you!

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013


    Kindly go to wp-content/themes/adventure/frontpage/slider.php line 596 ” pauseOnHover: true,” replace ” pauseOnHover: false,”

    If you are unable to do it send us WordPress admin details via sktthemes.net/contact


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